
Drenažni sistemi in njihov vpliv na vodni režim
ID Jurjevec, Karel (Author), ID Šraj, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brilly, Mitja (Comentor)

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MD5: EABC369CD8D3AAB7A63AD40A75E6C850
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/181e0173-4373-4f27-980b-61064f51aab8

Načrtovanje in izbira ustreznega drenažnega sistema mora vključevati različne dejavnike klimatskih pogojev, izhlapevanja, lastnosti zemljine in nenazadnje tudi poljščin. Na podlagi posameznih kompleksnih izračunov, ki upoštevajo vse te parametre, se določi ustrezna globina in razmik med drenažami ali drenažnimi kanali, ki lahko v določenem času ob določenih pogojih učinkovito odvajajo površinsko vodo in ustrezno uravnajo nivo podtalnice. Pregled raznolikosti sistemov in njihovih lastnosti je predstavljen v teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela. Hkrati pa so izpostavljene tudi njihove prednosti in slabosti. Za potrebe načrtovanja drenažnega sistema in analizo vpliva izbire posameznega drenažnega sistema na vodni režim oz. njegovo učinkovitost smo v diplomski nalogi uporabili računalniški model DRAINMOD in na izbrani testni površini ugotavljali njihov vpliv. Rezultat večkratne simulacije modela z različnimi parametri je najbolj ustrezna globina in razmik med drenažami. Poleg hidrološkega modela nam DRAINMOD omogoča številne druge možnosti simuliranja drenažnih sistemov. Velja izpostaviti modeliranje slanosti, kroženje nitratov in pa poljedelske donose. Glede na raznolike nastavitve modelov DRAINMOD ter širok razpon parametrov se program izkaže za izredno uporabno in tehnično izpopolnjeno orodje za izvedbo konkretnega načrta drenažnega sistema. Za testno površino bi glede na bližino reke Save verjetno najbolj ustrezala izbira drenažnega sistema v kombinaciji z namakanjem.

Keywords:Drenažni sistemi, uravnavanje nivoja podtalnice, drenažni materiali, razmik cevi, globina cevi, vrste drenažnih cevi, DRAINMOD
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Jurjevec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83877 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7515233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Drainage systems and their influence on water regime
Design and selection of proper drainage system must include a variety of factors such as climatic conditions, evaporation, soil characteristics and ultimately planted crops. Based on the individual complex calculations that take into account all these parameters, appropriate depth and spacing of drainage pipes or ditches is set for effective surface water discharge and groundwater level regulation. An overview and diversity of systems and their characteristics are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. At the same time their advantages and disadvantages are presented. For the purpose of drainage system planning and analysis of individual system influence or effectiveness on water regime in this thesis, we used computer model DRAINMOD to estimate their influence on the selected test area. The result of multiple model simulations with different parameters is the most appropriate depth and spacing of drainage. In addition to the hydrological model DRAINMOD offers also other options for drainage system simulation. Salinity, nitrogen and crop yield are worth mentioning. On account of DRAINMOD models diversity and a wide range of available parameters, program turns out to be extremely useful and technically advanced tool for carrying out a concrete plan of the drainage system. The most suitable choice for testing surface due to proximity of river Sava waterway is drainage system in combination with irrigation.

Keywords:Drainage systems, groundwater management, drainage materials, drain spacing, drain depth, drainage pipe types, DRAINMOD

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