
Primerjava variant cestnih povezav preko prelaza Vršič in izbor optimalne variante
ID Fajfar, Gorazd (Author), ID Lipar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čertanc, Niko (Comentor)

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MD5: 1A551AB289E9A731D0D87736951F362D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/93286be5-3022-4333-b051-09345d24ef4c

Diplomska naloga obravnava regionalno cesto R1-206 Kranjska Gora – Ruska cesta – Vršič – Trenta – Bovec, bolj znano pod imenom Vršiška cesta. Gre za eno najlepših slovenskih panoramskih gorskih cest, ki ima zgodovinski, turistični, širši demografski in narodno gospodarski pomen. Pri načrtovanju gorskih cest velja osnovno pravilo, da se izognemo plazljivim zemljiščem in snežno plazovitim območjem, a Vršiška cesta je bila projektirana drzno, njeno vzdrževanje skozi zgodovino pa je bilo neredno in nesistematično. Poleg vodne in porušitvene erozije je največja težava Vršiške ceste snežna erozija. Regionalno cesto R1-206 po podatkih iz lavinskega katastra za Slovenijo ogroža najmanj 27 snežnih plazov, ki so glavni razlog, da v letih z normalnimi zimami cesta ni prevozna tudi do 6 mesecev. Zaradi pomembnosti Vršiške ceste in dolgotrajnih zapor je bilo v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih izdelanih več študij in projektov za celoletno prevoznost ceste na različnih ravneh, ki smo jih v diplomski nalogi predstavili in analizirali. Ugotovili smo, da je edina rešitev za celoletno prevoznost ceste izgradnja predora z določenimi zaščitnimi ukrepi na oziroma ob obstoječi cesti. Različne variante predorov smo med seboj primerjali in na koncu predstavili ugotovitve.

Keywords:gorska cesta, celoletna prevoznost, snežni plazovi, zaščitni ukrepi, predor, Triglavski narodni park, Vršič, Vršiška cesta
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Fajfar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83755 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7503201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Title:The comparison of road link options over the Vršič pass and the selection of the most optimal option
My thesis deals with the regional road R1-206 Kranjska Gora – Ruska cesta – Vršič – Trenta – Bovec, better known as the Vršič road. It is one of the most beautiful panoramic mountain roads in Slovenia and it has a historic, touristic, broader demographic and national economic significance. When planning mountain roads, one has to follow one simple rule – we should avoid landslide areas and avalanche areas. However, the Vršič road has been boldly planned and its maintenance through history has been irregular and unsystematic. In addition to the water erosion and destructive erosion, Vršič road’s biggest problem is the snow erosion. According to the avalanche cadastre for Slovenia, the regional road R1-206 is jeopardized by at least 27 avalanches which are the main reason for the road not being passable up to 6 months in the period of normal winters. Due to the importance of the Vršič road and these long-term roadblocks, there have been several studies and projects made over the last few decades about the transportability of the road on different levels, which will be further presented and analyzed in this thesis. We have discovered that the only solution for the round the year transportability of the road is the construction of a tunnel with certain safety measures on or by the existent road. We have compared the different versions of the tunnels and in the end presented our findings.

Keywords:mountain road, round the year transportability, avalanche, safety measures, tunnel, Triglav National Park, Vršič, the Vršič road

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