
Plavajoča vejica v čistem funkcijskem jeziku
ID LIST, IVO (Author), ID Bauer, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 543954425D75FFB6C31951D4B47FE86F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5013d7bd-5a1a-4474-95b2-cef6cacd4348

Opisana je plavajoča vejica, njena predstavitev, standarda IEEE 754, posebne vrednosti, načini zaokroževanja in nekateri problemi s katerimi se soočimo pri njeni implementaciji. Mednje sodita dilema izdelovalca tabel in problem povratnih pretvorb. Knjižnica Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library (MPFR) je implementacija plavajoče vejice s poljubno fiksno natančnostjo, ki jo želimo uporabiti v čistem funkcijskem jeziku. Predstavnik slednjega je Haskell in sledijo podrobnosti ene izmed njegovih implementacij -- GHC. Zaradi učinkovitosti je potrebno dobro razumevanje upravljanja s pomnilnikom in najnižjih stopenj prevajalnika. Z navedenim je izdelan vmesnik za MPFR v GHC-ju in predstavljena je njegova primerjava s C-jevo implementacijo.

Keywords:plavajoča vejica, funkcijsko programiranje, Haskell, GHC, MPFR, C
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83716 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2016
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Title:Floating point in a purely functional language
The floating-point, its presentation, IEEE 754 standards, special values, rounding modes, and some problems with its implementation are presented: The Table Maker's Dilemma and Round-trip conversions. Arbitrary fixed precision floating-point is an extension of floating-point implemented in Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable Library (MPFR). Working towards an interface for a purely functional language, Haskell as a representative is introduced. For an efficient implementation good knowledge of one of its implementation -- GHC -- is needed, especially how memory management is done and how low-level stages of the compiler are implemented. Last, the interface for the GHC and its benchmark with C implementation is presented.

Keywords:floating-point, functional programming, Haskell, GHC, MPFR, C

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