
Avtomatizacija sistema za oskrbo z elektrolitom pri elektrokemični obdelavi avtomobilskih vbrizgalnih šob
ID CEPEC, ALEŠ (Author), ID Nedeljković, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 10AD4F791451DD87B94A99C0CE31A174
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/99b242c7-7fc7-40b7-b76b-f31e61409550

V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni delovanje, načrtovanje in izvedba nizkonapetostnega stikalnega bloka, ki napaja in krmili sistem za oskrbo stroja za elektrokemično obdelavo avtomobilskih vbrizgalnih šob z elektrolitom. Eno izmed vodilnih podjetij v avtomobilski industriji gradi proizvodni obrat za izdelavo avtomobilskih vbrizgalnih šob. V proizvodnem procesu se nekateri sestavni deli avtomobilskih vbrizgalnih šob zaradi svoje zapletene oblike obdelujejo s pomočjo nekonvencionalnega postopka elektrokemične obdelave, ki se izvaja na posebnem stroju. Postopek elektrokemične obdelave se lahko izvede samo ob točno določenih pogojih dovajanega elektrolita, zato se oskrba stroja z elektrolitom izvaja preko posebnega sistema. Zagotovljeni morajo biti zlasti neprekinjeno delovanje, ustrezna komunikacija sistema s strojem za elektrokemično obdelavo, varnost proizvodnih procesov in uporabnikov ter racionalna izraba prostora. Poseben izziv predstavlja upoštevanje standardov in normativov naročnika. Poleg navedenega je naročnik želel tudi, da ima sistem več različnih režimov delovanja glede na intenziteto proizvodnje v posameznem časovnem segmentu (tedenski in vikend režim). Vse to je možno zagotoviti z upravljanjem sistema preko nizkonapetostnega stikalnega bloka. V diplomskem delu je predstavljen celoten proces načrtovanja in izvedbe stikalnega bloka od naročila do končnega izdelka. Kot izhodišča za izvedbo stikalnega bloka so v diplomskem delu predstavljeni delovanje sistema za oskrbo z elektrolitom ter relevantni standardi in normativi. Na podlagi tehnološke sheme, tlorisa proizvodnega obrata, zahtev naročnika in izračunov so bili izbrani gradniki stikalnega bloka. Nekateri glavni gradniki so navedeni in opisani. Podroben načrt izvedbe je bil pripravljen v računalniškem orodju ePLAN, ki je specializirano za risanje električnih shem. Izdelan in potrjen načrt je bil podlaga za izdelavo stikalnega bloka. Projekt se je zaključil z meritvami in uspešno izvedbo poskusnega zagona. Celoten potek je opisan v četrtem poglavju, ki teme vseh poglavij strne v praktični prikaz načrtovanja in izvedbe nizkonapetostnega stikalnega bloka.

Keywords:Nizkonapetostni stikalni blok, električno projektiranje, programirljivi logični krmilnik, elektrokemična obdelava, avtomobilska vbrizgalna šoba
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83608 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Automatization of the system for electrolyte supply in electrochemical machining of car injector nozzles
In the diploma thesis, the functioning, planning and execution of the low-voltage switch cabinet, which provides power and controls the system for electrolyte supply of the machine for electrochemical machining of car injector nozzles, is presented. One of the leading companies in the automotive industry is building a production plant for manufacturing car injector nozzles. In the production process some parts of car nozzles, because of their complicated shape, are manufactured by an unconventional method of electrochemical machining, which takes place on a special machine. The procedure of electrochemical machining can only be done under strictly set conditions. To meet these conditions, an electrolyte is supplied to the machine by a special system. The most important preconditions are uninterrupted production, proper communication of the system and the machine for electrochemical machining, safety of production processes and users, as well as rational space utilization. It is especially challenging to meet the standards and norms required by the client. Along with the aforementioned, the client wanted the system to have two different functioning regimes, depending on the intensity of production during a certain time segment (weekday and weekend regime). All of this can be provided by controlling the system via a low-voltage switch cabinet. In the diploma thesis the entire process of planning and implementation of low-voltage switch cabinet from ordering to the finished product, is presented. As a starting point for implementation of the switch cabinet, the diploma thesis presents the functioning of the system for electrolyte supply and relevant standards and norms. The building blocks of the switch cabinet were chosen on the basis of a technological schematic, a ground plan of the production plant, client demands and calculations. Some main building blocks are listed and described. A detailed plan of implementation was designed with the ePLAN software, which is specialized for drawing electrical schematics. The final plan approved by the client was the basis for manufacturing the switch cabinet. The project was concluded by measurements and a successful execution of a test startup. The entire procedure is described in chapter four, which summarizes the themes of all chapters into a practical display of planning and implementation of the low-voltage switch cabinet.

Keywords:Low-voltage switch cabin, electrical design, programmable logic controller, electrochemical machining, car injector nozzle

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