New technologies enabled education systems which allow distance learning online, also called e-learning. This kind of learning is not time- or space-related and is more and more widespread. It features short videos, lectures, written notes, powerpoint (ppt) presentations and audio recordings. To be student- or study-focused, instead of technology-focused, e-learning tries to involve main styles of learning and perception styles: auditory (hearing), visual (sight) and kinesthetic (movement). All three learning types together are excellently covered with video lectures in combination with ppt slides. Preparation of such material usually requires expensive technology and additional personnel (cameraman). Because of the high competition on the market, we wanted to enable lector to record video without cameraman and thus lower the cost of learning material preparation, ultimately lowering the costs of education. We did this by developing software solution for automatic low-cost video recording and synchronization with ppt presentation. This thesis describes implementation of the software solution in form of plug-in for e-learning system ECHO, which is developed by Laboratory for Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.