
Merilnik magnetne nesimetrije - "Magnetno uho"
ID JUG, JOŠT (Author), ID Zajec, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5C107DE2D9652854C1DFA625BE49745F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/624c383f-3304-47b9-b08b-52dd3c1582cf

Diplomsko delo opisuje zasnovo in delovanje merilnika magnetne nesimetrije v transformatorjih pretvorniških naprav. Tako imenovano »magnetno uho« je oblikovano kot magnetni soupor, tj. brez invazivnega posega v jedro. Skozi merilnik se sklepa del magnetnega pretoka glavnega magnetnega kroga, s čimer le-ta vpliva na spremembo induktivnosti vzbujalnega navitja magnetnega ušesa. Prvi del tega diplomskega dela je namenjen pregledu obstoječih načinov zaznavanja magnetne nesimetrije, oziroma v skrajnem primeru tudi nasičenja transformatorskih jeder, kakor tudi preprečevanje le-tega. Obstoječi načini so večinoma invazivni, tj. posegajo v glavni magnetni krog (z npr. zračno režo) ali pa so konstrukcijsko zahtevni. Uvodnemu, teoretičnemu delu sledi pregled zasnove testnega modela in podrobnejši vpogled v njegovo delovanje. Podane so tudi nekatere izboljšave testnega vezja, ki zamnjšujejo vpliv magnetnega pretoka, ki ga povzroča tok vzbujalnega navitja. Delovanje merilnika je preverjeno in ovrednoteno z nizom preizkusov. V zaključnem delu so nanizane izkušnje, ki so bile pridobljene v času trajanja izdelave diplomskega dela.

Keywords:magnetno uho, nasičenje, močnostna elektronika, fazni diskriminator, magnetni pretok
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83592 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Sensor of magnetic asymmetry - "Magnetic Ear"
Thesis describes the design and mode of operation of an instrument that measures magnetic imbalance of converter transformer. The so called »magnetic ear« is designed as a magnetic shunt, that is without any influence for the main core. A part of the main magnetic flux is passed through the instrument and by which this flux changes the inductance of the excitation winding of the magnetic ear. First part of the thesis focuses on revision of currently used principles of imbalance detection and in extreme cases even saturation of the transformer cores, as well as prevention. Presently saturation detection and prevention techniques are predominantly invasive, they introduce some unwanted features (e.g. air gap) or they are difficult to assemble. Introduction, the theoretical part, is followed by an examination of the test model design and its working principles. There are also examined some improvements of the test model, the ones that reduce the impact of the excitation's magnetic flux. These improvements are put to test by series of examinations. In the final part, this thesis provides experiences obtained during its making.

Keywords:magnetic ear, saturation, power electronics, phase discriminator, magnetic flux

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