In diploma we made a calculation of components for formation of 110 kV power line, that cross the inaccessible area. We made the calculation for additional winter burden twice. Firstly, we considered that the factor for the additional winter burden is 1, and secondly, 2,5. In first option the calculation is sufficient for the regulations of the old list of rules for constructing the above ground electro-energetic lines with voltage from 1 kV to 400 kV. In second option the calculation is sufficient for standards of SIST EN 50341, which together with standard SIST EN 50423 substituted the old list of rules. The height of pillars we firstly determined graphically with curves and then also computional. Then we also compared the results. The mandatory security heights hV for the same area (inaccessible area) are different in list of rules and standards. The new standard of the voltage level of the network besides security heights, mention also the zones. Slovenia is divided into three wind and three sleet zones. One above ground line can cross two zones or all three and this is why we have to be carefull and divide the line into sections, regarding to zones. The old list of rules divides normal overloads and exceptional. The standard divides permanent and variable overloads. With calculations we wanted to establish the difference between the hang, tension of the rope and define the height of pillars considering the diffetent factor of sleet overload.