With the increasing number of connected devices on the TV recievers, like video recorder, digital sattelite reciever, DVD player, the level of complexity of managing such sistems has increased. Too many remote controls, too many wires and to much consumed electircity are the usual complains of users. Some times also the tech savy users, have dificulties with such an enviroment.
The purpose of this thesis is to research the current situtation in the field of TV receviers and services. Give an overview of technologies and devices, that are currently available and look for improvements of TV system and user experience.
Few paragraphs are also dedicated to sociological aspects of modern TV systems and how they affect privacy.
At the end is described the realization of modern TV system that solves the most disturbing deficiencies of existing tv sistems. The solution is based on open source software, widely adopted and estabilished hardware, that is also well documented on internet and that way we can enhance and improove our TV system.