The subject of this thesis is a prototype machine that uses machine vision to simulate the sorting of round products by color and inner radius.
The prototype consists of a stepper motor which rotates a round table, on one side of the prototype is a servo motor, which simulates the pushing of the product from the stock on to the table. Two web cameras are used to identify the color and radius. In the case when the sample is suitable, we simulate the pushing of the product from the table in the crate with good products.
For the management of the stepper motor and the two servo motors we use the LPCXpresso 1769 microcontroller that uses the LwIP TCP/IP stack as a server on it. With the use of Visual Basic, the C# programming language and Emgu CV library, we have developed an application that serves as a client that processes the samples that are extracted with the webcams. Therefore, according to their suitability, it appropriately signals the server how to handle the samples via an Ethernet connection.
To evaluate the performance of a machine we made circles of different colors and different radius arm holes and laid them on the table.