
Posledice in kompenzacija barvne disperzije v optičnih vlakenskih zvezah
ID Lozar, Andrej (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 52A87490976BE19A16039DD4C83FA9BD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e139377a-bcbd-4dbb-9aa8-62a325dc0a3e

V prvem delu diplomske naloge je opisan pojav disperzije ter posledice tega pojava, ki se pojavljajo v optičnih zvezah. Obstajata dve vrsti disperzije (kromatska in nekromatska), vsaka pa ima več podvrsti, tako, da je potrebna podrobna razlaga za razumevanje razlike med podvrstmi. Sledi praktični preizkus, kjer se poskuša z uporabo optičnega vlakna in FP laserja (angl. Fabry-Perot laser) prikazati učinek slabenja signala na daljši optični povezavi (pribl. 35 km). Meritve so razdeljene na meritev slabenja sistema, ki se vnaša v optično zvezo ter meritev samega slabenja optičnega kabla. V zadnjem delu je glavni cilj prikazati metode kompenzacije barvne disperzije. Glede na to, da je pojav disperzije v optičnih zvezah relativno preprosto kompenzirati, je pomembno, da se predstavi več načinov kompenzacije s podrobnim opisom in razlago.

Keywords:optična zveza, disperzija, posledice disperzije, kompenzacija disperzije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83448 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Consequences and compensation of chromatic dispersion in optical fiber communication links
The first part of the Diploma work describes the phenomenon of dispersion and its consequences, which appear in optical link. There are two types of dispersion (chromatic and achromatic), each has several sub-types, so that a detailed explanation to understand the differences between the sub-types is necessary. A practical test follows, where we are trying to show the effect of weakening of the signal on a longer optical connection (app. 35 km) with the use of an optical fibre and Fabry Perot laser. Measurements are divided into the measurement of weakening of the system, entered into the optical link, and measurement of the weakening of the optical cable. In the last part the main aim is to show the colour dispersion compensation techniques. Considering the fact that the dispersion phenomenon in optical link is relatively simple to compensate, it is important to present several types of compensation with detailed description and explanation.

Keywords:optical link, dispersion, consequences of dispersion, dispersion compensation

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