
Predlog kategorij dejanske rabe prostora s primerjavo mednarodnih klasifikacij
ID Okršlar, Gašper (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Foški, Mojca (Comentor)

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MD5: 44CB2E32606406F50EA487C6D479841F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/db40d820-29b1-4809-b371-48be56c79fce

V magistrski nalogi je obravnavana klasifikacija dejanske rabe prostora. Predstavljena je teorija klasifikacijskih sistemov in deset primerov klasificiranja dejanske rabe prostora v izbranih državah in raziskavah. Izbrali smo države z uveljavljenim sistemom evidentiranja rabe prostora, države, kjer je bila posodobitev klasifikacije izvedena v zadnjih desetih letih ali pa je posodobitev v teku. Proučili smo tudi direktive in transnacionalne projekte, katerih rezultati so smernice za evidentiranja rabe prostora. Na podlagi primerjave primerov in priporočil za oblikovanje klasifikacijskih sistemov smo izdelali predlog klasifikacije dejanske rabe prostora za potrebe slovenskega prostorskega načrtovanja, skladno z evropsko direktivo INSPIRE in izvedenimi ali potekajočimi projekti, kot sta EAGLE (2013) in LBCS (2000). Vsako kategorijo dejanske rabe prostora smo opisali in povezali s Klasifikacijo vrst objektov (CC-SI). V razpravi smo preverili ali je možna povezava med predlagano klasifikacijo dejanske rabe prostora s kategorijami namenske rabe prostora kot jih določa ZPNačrt (2007) in s Standardno klasifikacijo dejavnosti (SKD, 2008). Prav tako smo preverili ali je na podlagi predlagane klasifikacije kategorij dejanske rabe prostora možno opredeliti pozidana in nepozidana območja. Rezultati naloge so pokazali, da je evidenca dejanske rabe prostora nujno potreben, vendar ne zadosten podatek za nadaljnje prostorske analize.

Keywords:prostorsko načrtovanje, pokrovnost, dejanska raba prostora, klasificiranje kategorij dejanske rabe prostora, primerjalna analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Okršlar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83439 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7501153 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal for categories of land use with a comparison of international classifications
The master's thesis deals with the classification of land use. It provides a theoretical background for classification systems and presents ten examples of actual land use classifications in selected countries and pieces of research. The examples involve countries with an established approach to registering land use, countries that have modernised it in the past ten years or are doing so at the moment, transnational registering projects, directives and other projects aiming to manage land use registering. The proposed classification of actual land use was developed on the basis of examples and recommendations for classification systems in line with the European INSPIRE Directive and implementing or ongoing projects, such as EAGLE (2013) and LBCS (2000). Each category of land use was described and linked to the Classification of facilities. The discussion searched for a connection between the proposed classification of land use with the categories of land use allocation under the Spatial Planning Act (2007) and the Standard Classification of Activities. Moreover, it examined whether the proposed classification of categories can serve as the basis for identifying builtup and greenfield land. The research results suggest that a register of land use is necessary, but insufficient for further analyses.

Keywords:spatial planning, cover, land use, classification of categories of land use, comparative analysis

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