Because of the frequent flooding we need to increase flood awareness and enhance the measures for reducing and mitigating their harmful consequences. Measures for flood protection can be divided into structural and non-structural. They can also be divided into preventive, intervention and curative measures. Decision regarding the type of measure depends on the available financial resources. Financial resources for implementing the measures were designated as costs of flood protection. We assessed the costs where data was available and accessible. The aim of this study was to determine the costs of flood protection in Slovenia and compare them with the flood damage in recent years. First we present the types of flood protection measures which are divided according to the strategies presented in the US report of crisis management (FEMA). We adapted the measures to the Slovenian system of flood protection and examined them in detail. We have highlighted the most important competent authorities for flood protection in Slovenia: Ministry for the environment, Ministry for defense, Environmental Agency and the Administration for civil protection and disaster relief. We find that a comprehensive database on costs of flood protection in Slovenia does not exist; a comparison of the data collected in the study does not provide a general conclusion whether more funds in Slovenia are allocated to curative, interventional or preventive measures.