
Aktivno zmanjševanje valovitosti navora sinhronskega motorja s trajnimi magneti
ID KOKOVNIK, MITJA (Author), ID Makuc, Danilo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: FAA6006EC06B5A07FE4B5036C00D7F06
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a6d2d211-ae2b-4c8a-b4b4-7b4cb7948fab

Z razvojem trajnih magnetov iz redkih zemelj in njihovo dostopnostjo na trgu se je povečala uporaba sinhronskih motorjev s trajnimi magneti. Prav tako je postala vse bolj zanimiva veja uporabe te vrste motorja za pogon električnih vozil. Z razvojem električnih pogonov se prav tako višajo zahteve kvalitete pogonov, ki med drugimi vključujejo tudi nizko valovitost navora. V uvodu je na kratko predstavljena problematika valovitosti navora, ki je tema zaključnega dela. Na kratko so povzeti vzroki za nastanek valovitosti navora in najpogosteje uporabljene konstrukcijske metode za odpravljanje valovitosti navora. V drugem poglavju je povzet princip delovanja sinhronskega motorja s trajnimi magneti, s poudarkom na dvoosni teoriji sinhronskega motorja, ki je potrebna za razumevanje aktivnega zmanjševanja valovitosti navora. V tretjem poglavju je opisan kolesni motor razvit v podjetju Elaphe d.o.o., na podlagi katerega so opravljene magnetostatične analize v programskem orodju FEMM. Prav tako je na podlagi modela motorja opisano delovanje programa FEMM. V četrtem poglavju so natančneje opisani vzroki in komponente valovitosti navora sinhronskega motorja s trajnimi magneti. Valovitost navora nastane zaradi vpliva različnih vzrokov, ki so opisani v podpoglavjih. V petem poglavju je razloženo aktivno zmanjševanje valovitosti navora. Poglavje zajema analiziranje modela v programskem orodju ter ugotovitve, ki jih dobimo po obdelavi dobljenih rezultatov. Predstavljena je oblika faznih tokov in izračunani poteki napetosti, ki jih potrebujemo za napajanje sinhronskega motorja s trajnimi magneti, če želimo konstanten navor.

Keywords:sinhronski motor s trajnimi magneti, valovitost navora, aktivno zmanjševanje valovitosti navora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83229 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.06.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Active torque ripple reduction in permanent magnet synchronous motor
With the development of the rare-earth permanent magnets and their availability on the market the usage of permanent magnet synchronous motors increased. Nowadays this type of motor is commonly used in the electric vehicles. With the development of electric propulsion systems the requirements for quality of their properties have increased and one of them is torque ripple coefficient. The introduction is a brief overview of the torque ripple and the most commonly used design methods for its elimination. The second chapter is a summary of operation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor with focus on the dq axis theory of synchronous motor, which is necessary for the understanding of active reduction of torque ripple. The third chapter describes the »in-wheel« motor developed by the company Elaphe Propulsion Technologies Ltd.. In this chapter, FEMM model of »in-wheel« motor, which is later used in the work for magnetostatic analysis, is explained. The principle of the program analysis of the motor model is also described here. The fourth chapter describes the torque ripple of the permanent magnet synchronous motor. Torque ripple occurs because of different factors that are described in the subsections. In the fifth chapter, active reducing of torque ripple is explained. The results of the magnetostatic analysis, calculated with program FEMM, are presented. At the end, we can see the shape of the supply voltage that ensures the constant torque of the motor.

Keywords:permanent magnet synchronous motor, torque ripple, active torque ripple reduction

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