
Nastajanje lutkovne predstave
ID Granda, Špela (Author), ID Korošec, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti, kako naredimo lutkovno predstavo. Bistvenega pomena pri načrtovanju predstave je delo režiserja, ki pripravi celoten proces. Začne se z izbiro zgodbe, ki mora biti primerna izbrani publiki. Sledi pisanje sinopsisa, ki je zgolj okvirna zgodba, in scenarija, v katerem je zgodba napisana točno tako, kot se bo kasneje igrala. Glede na zgodbo se izbere primerne igralce in lutkovno tehniko. V nalogi so predstavljene štiri osnovne tehnike izdelovanja in igranja lutk: ročne lutke, marionete, senčne lutke in ploske lutke. V drugem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljen praktični primer. S pomočjo štirih študentk smo pri predmetu lutkarstvo naredile gledališko predstavo za otroke z naslovom Zmeda zaradi malega medveda. Opisan je celoten postopek, od izbire zgodbe, pisanja sinopsisa in scenarija, izdelave lutk do vaj za predstavo. Končni izdelek so si ogledali predšolski otroci v Mini teatru na Ljubljanskem gradu. V zadnjem delu je predstavljena analiza odzivov otrok med ogledom predstave. Analiza videoposnetka je pokazala, da so se otroci v predstavo vživeli in se poistovetili z glavnimi junaki.

Keywords:lutkovne tehnike
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-83095 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11014473 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The production of puppet show
The purpose of the following work is to present the making of a puppet show. When planning the show, work of the production director is essential, as he leads the process. Planning starts with the selection of the story, which has to correspond to the audience. It is followed by writing a synopsis, that is only an indicative story, and scenario, which is a story written exactly as we will later play it. Based on the story, we choose the actors and the puppet technique. The thesis presents four main puppet techniques: hand puppets, marionettes, shadow puppets and flat puppets. In the second part of the paper, a practical example is presented. With the help of four students in the elective subject puppetry class, we have produced a puppet show: »Confusion due to the small bear«. The whole process from choosing the story, writing synopsis, producing scenario, making puppets and final rehearsal is described. The puppet show was played to preschool children in a mini theater at Ljubljana Castle. Last part of paper introduces the analysis of the children responses to the show. Analysis of recording showed that children empathized with the show and main characters.

Keywords:puppet techniques

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