
Računalniško vodenje umerjanja števcev ME160
ID IVANIČ, DENIS (Author), ID Križaj, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D2F3B09DA66F4B7B109A8A31DB6A9200
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/62bbacd4-ba44-44d2-b53d-54ba65258b09

V podjetju Iskraemeco sem začel z delom leta 2003 kot absolvent Fakultete za elektrotehniko, Univerze v Ljubljani in sicer v poslovni enoti »Elektronski števci« z nazivom razvojni tehnolog. V tistem času se je v podjetju pojavila potreba po avtomatizaciji proizvodne linije elektronskega enofaznega gospodinskega števca ME160, katerega se je do takrat izdelovalo na ročni montažni liniji. Potreba po avtomatizaciji se je pojavila zaradi povečanja povpraševanja po teh števcih, cilj pa je bil čim nižja cena izdelave in najboljša možna kvaliteta ob tej ceni. Seveda tudi število izdelanih števcev. Diplomska naloga obravnava izdelavo aplikacij za umerjanje enofaznega števca, ki je ena od delovnih operacij avtomatske linije. Delo je razdeljeno na 5 poglavij. Po uvodnem poglavju je najprej predstavljena zgradba in delovanje enofaznega elektronskega števca ME160, za tem zasnova avtomatske linije, torej opisal vse gradnike avtomatske linije in podal podroben opis le teh. Glavni del diplomske naloge je predstavitev moje vloge pri izdelavi avtomatske linije torej izdelave programske opreme za umerjanje števca. Predstavil sem zahtevnik, izdelavo projektne dokumentacije (zasnovo) ter implementacijo kode v programskem jeziku C++. Pri sami implementaciji kode sem največ pozornosti posvetil arhitekturi kode ter komunikacijskemu protokolu (predvsem RS232), ki je potrebna za komuniciranje s krmilniki. V zaključku sem se posvetil možni izboljšavi programske kode na podlagi nekaj mesečnega delovanja linije, ter podal rezultate linije. Diplomski nalogi so na pripadajoči zgoščenki priloženi: • izvorna koda v C++ jeziku.

Keywords:elektronski števec električne energije, ME160, avtomatska linija
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-82781 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Computer controlled calibration of electrical meters ME160
In company Iskraemeco I had started working in year of 2003 as a graduate of faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, in »Electronic Meter« business unit, as a development technologist. At that time a need appeared for automation of production line for residential single-phase electronic meter ME160, which until then had been produced on manual assembly line. A need for this automation appeared because of increase of demand for those electronic meters, and the goal has been best price quality ratio. Also quantity of made electronic meters had been considered. The thesis discuses production of applications (software) for calibration of single-phase electronic meter, which is one of the working processes on automatic production line. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first part of the thesis is meant to show the structure and action of residential single-phase electronic meter ME160, after that a design of automation production line is described, thus all building block in details. The main part of the thesis is presentation of my work in production of automatic production line thus developing of software for calibration of meter. I have presented the specification, the design document and code implementation in C++ programming language. At implementation of source code I put most of the attention to architecture of code, and to communication protocol (RS232 mostly), which is needed for communicating with controllers. In the conclusion chapter I am presenting possible improvements of source code on base of few months of testing on production line, and passed results of the production line. The appendix holds: • C++ source code.

Keywords:single-phase electronic meter, ME160, automatic production line

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