
Analiza izpustov dizelskih motorjev
ID MURN, GREGA (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/185445df-88bd-468d-9ded-a15d631ff4fb

V svojem diplomskem delu z naslovom »Analiza izpustov dizelskih motorjev«, sem bralcu skušal približati današnjo problematiko v zvezi z onesnaževanjem okolja, predvsem zaradi dizelskih izpuhov, ki jih prinaša industrija v vseh oblikah. Največji onesnaževalec okolja je absolutno promet, saj izpuhi avtomobilov vsebujejo obsežen skupek škodljivih snovi (ogljikovodiki HC, ogljikov monoksid CO, dušikovi oksidi NOx, žveplovi oksidi, trdni delci, itd.). Namen Evropskih in Ameriških standardov je urejanje emisijskih predpisov za različne kategorije vozil in opreme ter zagotavljanje tolerantne meje škodljivih izpustov na trgu. Moje delo zajema obsežno opredelitev omenjenih standardov ter zanimive primerjave škodljivih izpustov pri posameznih kategorijah. Kljub temu, da so emisijski predpisi zelo urejeni in dobro zastavljeni, še vedno v realni vožnji zaradi mnogih prisotnih dejavnikov prihaja do odstopanj, ki presegajo standarde. Zaradi odstopanj in težkega doseganja emisijskih predpisov, je potrebno najti rešitev. Kompleksen človeški um ob napredni tehnologiji in ustreznem financiranju, premore mnoge različne načine za reševanje odstopanj, tudi goljufije. Goljufija ne more in ne sme biti ukrep za reševanje omenjene problematike. Zelo pomembno je, koliko in kako je še mogoče izboljšati tehnologijo v zvezi z zmanjševanjem škodljivih snovi, zato sem temu namenil svoje celotno četrto poglavje, s pregledi ukrepov za zmanjšanje emisij pri dizelskem motorju. Ne bi se mogel bolj strinjati z besedami ustanovitelja podjetja Tesla Motors, g. Elonom Muskom, ki pravi: »Mislim, da je prišel čas, da se premaknemo na novo generacijo energije« [37].

Keywords:ogljikovodiki HC, ogljikov monoksid CO, dušikovi oksidi NOx, žveplovi oksidi, trdni delci, Evropski standardi, Ameriški standardi, emisijski predpisi, primerjava, meritve, goljufija, ukrepi, Elon Musk
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-82721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.05.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the emissions of diesel engines
In my diploma thesis titled »Analysis of the emissions of diesel engines«, I tried to get close to today's reader issues relating to environmental pollution, mainly due to diesel exhaust, by bringing the industry in all its forms. Traffic is the largest polluter of the environment, because the exhaust fumes of vehicles contain an extensive set of harmful substances (hydrocarbons HC, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides NOx, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, etc.). The purpose of the European and American standards is regulating emissions, editing different categories of vehicles and equipment. It also regulates the provision of tolerance limit for harmful emissions on market. My thesis includes an extensive definition of the aforementioned standards and interesting comparisons of harmful emissions in each category. Despite the fact that the emission regulations it’s very structured and well staged, still in real driving, due to many factors present, comes a deviation exceeding the standards. Because of that and also because of the hard way of achievement of the emission regulations, it is necessary to find a solution. The complexed human mind, along with advances in technology and the relevant financing, has found many different ways of resolving discrepancies, including a cheat. But the cheat can not and should not be a measure to tackle the issues mentioned. It is very important how much and how it is still possible to improve technology related to the reduction of harmful substances, so my entire fourth chapter, with reviews of the measures to reduce emissions from diesel engine, is dedicated to that. I could not agree more with the words of Mr. Elon Musk, founder of the company Tesla Motors, which said: “I think the time has come to move on to a new generation of energy” [37].

Keywords:hydrocarbons HC, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides NOx, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, European standards, American standards, emission regulations, comparison, measurements, cheat, action, Elon Musk

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