Due to the challenging and competitive market where high availability conquer the competition, redundancy for business voice systems is one of the methods for achieving greater stability and reliability of VoIP operators. Therefore I decided to enable and implement operating system signalisation failure detection, as well as the detection of congestion for voice channels that basis of prior knowledge and understanding of the problem. This can enable uninterrupted operation of all duplicate operating system, which is now commercially significant competitive advantage.
From a technical point of view of this problem I relay on the session border controller (SBC), which via a dedicated set of protocols controls the routing of SIP signaling endpoints to VoIP system. It was necessary to develop the logic how to divert the interruption of the signal detected by the loss of the line to the fallback system. As is seen below, the advantage of such a system is particularly automated conservation of numbering plan, the possibility of preserving the IP address, voice channels and most important, leaving active voice line uninterupted.