To produce high-quality spatial documents in spatial planning it is necessary to use
appropriate and high-quality spatial data. Among the most used and useful data resources are
the national orthophoto and national topographic database (DTK 5), which are used as the
basic input data for the commencement of producing professional bases and spatial analysis
and are provided by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. Over
the years the spatial data have become available and reliable, but a spatial planner should
know their limitations for certain purposes of use. We used a variety of analytic methods for
analyzing orthophoto and topographic data (DTK 5). We also concluded a survey that
presented the usage, advantages and disadvantages of using mentioned spatial data in spatial
planning based on the user experience of data usage. Based on the acquired responses to the
survey and research work we also concluded a critical assessment of object catalog DTK 5
and made suggestions for its improvement.