This thesis describes the development of applicative software system (ASS) for water level and temperature measurement of Ajba dam with programmable logical controller (PLC), being the latter a part of hydropower plant management, emphasizing the communication using a Modbus protocol. Newly installed level and temperature measurement system is an improvement of the existing one installed in the Ajba dam on river Soča. The old system in the Ajba dam was already outdated so the acquisition of spare parts constitute a problem during repairs and maintenance. Operator panel, also a part of ASS, takes care of system overview and parameters’ setting. It is important to emphasize that with the new programmable device we get more control over the system and furthermore the operation panel allows us to control the system remotely trough the communications network. One of the most important elements of the system is the warning capability. Visual alarms allow a good overview and show the state of change with every failure/error. Hardware for the installation of the ASS consists of an operation panel, a sensor and a modular controller (power supply, CPU and input-output unit). Modules are connected trough communication BUS. In this thesis VIPA 313 5BF03 controller, Advantech Wop 2040T operator panel and two hydrostatic probes sensors for measuring water levels and water temperature (V-eline) on the Ajba lake, as a part of HE Plave hydropower plant, were used.
The initial part of the thesis defines the Modbus communications, followed by descriptions of the controller, probes, operation panel, Ajba dam and the HE Plave. The second part of the thesis describes examples of algorithms for programming the controller (written in SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 Professional), and operator panel (written in WebOP Designer 2.0), are presented.