
Vpliv razpoložljivih sistemskih virov in nastavitev 3D pogona na čas izrisa 3D scen
ID VUČAK, ROBI (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8FB76D096DF9C18D7554E423F9874F40
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0e53c751-78b3-4743-a6f9-ab85d1f4ee90

V diplomskem delu je opisana raziskava vpliva razpoložljivih sistemskih virov računalnika na čas izrisa 3D animacije v programu Cinema 4D. Analizirali smo vpliv števila razpoložljivih procesorskih jeder in količino delovnega pomnilnika. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali vpliv zahtevnosti 3D animacije na porabo sistemskih virov. Pri analizi zahtevnosti animacije smo opravili tudi kvalitativno primerjavo dobljenih rezultatov. Parametre porabe sistemskih virov smo nadzirali z uporabo Upravitelja opravil v operacijskem sistemu Windows. Zahtevnost animacije smo kontrolirali tako, da smo za izris animacije uporabili različne nastavitve pogona za izris animacije. Kvaliteto rezultatov izrisa smo opravili s subjektivno primerjavo posameznih izrisanih slik med sabo. Rezultate smo predstavili v obliki tabel in grafov. Ugotovili smo, da je čas izrisa obratno sorazmeren številu razpoložljivih jeder, kvaliteta slike pa ostaja enaka. Pri izrisu nam analiza vpliva količine sistemskega pomnilnika na čas izrisa ni uspela, zato smo podali podatek o najvišji porabi sistemskega pomnilnika za posamezen izris. Na podlagi rezultatov analize smo podali subjektivno oceno optimalne kombinacije parametrov izrisa za doseganje želene kvalitete izrisa 3D animacije za podano sceno in razpoložljivo strojno opremo.

Keywords:3D program, 3D animacija, 3D modeliranje, Cinema 4D, RAM enota, centralno procesna enota, 3D izris
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2016
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This thesis describes a study on the influence of available computer system sources on the time of a 3D animation drawing in the Cinema 4D program. We analysed the influence of the number of available processor cores and the amount of RAM. Next, we analysed the influence of the complexity of a 3D animation on the consumption of system sources. While analysing the complexity of the animation, we also did a qualitative comparison of obtained results. Parameters for the system source consumption were overseen with help of the Task manager in Windows operating system. The complexity of the animation was controlled by using different drive settings for the animation drawing. The quality of drawing results was done with a subjective comparison of individual image drawings. Results were presented in form of tables and charts. We came to the conclusion that the time of drawing is inversely proportional to the number of available cores, while the quality of the image stays the same. As the analysis of the influence of the amount of RAM on the time of drawing during the drawing itself was not successful, we provided the data on the highest consumption of RAM for each individual drawing. Taking into account the results of the analysis, we made a subjective estimate for the optimal combination of drawing parameters to achieve the desired quality of 3D animation drawing for the given scene and available hardware.

Keywords:3D program, 3D animation, 3D modelling, Cinema 4D, RAM, central processing unit, 3D drawing

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