
Certificiranje sistema vodenja kakovosti
ID HVALA, JERNEJ (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 01E8C5C09C3C01A8F98AA211B8357B90
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9f48de4d-6661-4df5-b895-5489c94d7d47

Hiter in spremenljiv tehnološki razvoj je vse pogosteje narekoval vse večje zahteve po kontroliranju in evidentiranju kakovosti. Posledično so se s tem razvijali in oblikovali tudi novi in oprijemljivejši standardi za obvladovanje sistemov kakovosti. Z uvedbo sistema vodenja kakovosti lahko določena organizacija doseže številne prednosti in izboljša svoje poslovanje znotraj družbe. Kot prednosti lahko izpostavimo predvsem: preglednejšo organiziranost poslovanja, dokumentiranost postopkov z odgovornostmi in pristojnostmi, preglednost poslovnih procesov, izboljšanje odnosov notranje komunikacije med zaposlenimi, posredno pa lahko govorimo tudi o večji kakovosti storitev in proizvodov, večjem zadovoljstvu odjemalcev ter o preglednejšem in lažjem dostopu do globalnega tržišča, ki je za razvoj in obstoj posameznih organizacij bistvenega pomena. Od leta 1987, ko je bila izdana prva različica standarda ISO, do danes, ko je bila izdana že 5. zaporedna izdaja standarda, standard ISO 9001:2015, smo bili priča mnogim spremembam in pospešenemu tehnološkemu razvoju, ki je narekoval nove in oprijemljivejše smernice za dosego ciljev. Če posamezna organizacija želi slediti in se prilagajati zahtevam tržišča, mora slediti napredku in hitremu tehnološkemu razvoju, hkrati pa se mora ves čas prilagajati spremembam, ki jih narekuje trg. ISO standard se v celoti osredotoča na učinkovitost sistema vodenja kakovosti pri izpolnjevanju zahtev odjemalcev. Namenjen je organizacijam, ne glede na njihovo velikost, način organizacije, proizvodnjo ali storitve. Standard dopolnjuje in nadgrajuje ostale sisteme vodenja kakovosti, ki jih določajo posamični standardi (npr. ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 …). V primeru, da organizacija ustreza zahtevam izbranega standarda, sme po izvedbi certifikacijskega postopka pridobiti ustrezni certifikat za sistem vodenja kakovosti. Pri vzpostavitvi in sistematični zgradbi sistema kakovosti v vseh ključnih procesih poslovnih aktivnosti, kar je cilj projekta kakovosti v podjetju Presvit d. o. o., je nujno potrebno izpolnjevanje in sledenje standardu ISO 9001, in sicer z lastnim sistemom preverjanja poslovne učinkovitosti. Bistvenega pomena je, da so zaposleni seznanjeni s postopki in cilji pri presoji kakovosti, saj je to glavno vodilo za dosego izboljšanja učinkovitosti sistema kakovosti.

Keywords:kakovost, standardi, organizacija, sistem za vodenje kakovosti, proces, postopek, dokument, sistem vodenja, certifikat, presoja
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.04.2016
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Title:Certification of the quality management system
Fast technological development has more and more dictated increasing demands for quality control. Consequently, newer and more tangible standards for quality management system have been developed and formulated. Using smart policy of quality management system process an organisation can achieve various advantages such as: more transparent organisation of business activities, transparency of business processes, procedure documentation with responsibilities and competences, improvement of inner communication. In other words, we can talk about better quality of services and products, higher satisfaction of customers and more transparent and easier access to the global market. Since 1987, when the first version of ISO standard was launched, till today when we have the fifth version – the standard ISO 9001:2015, we have witnessed many changes and rapid technological development which dictate newer and more tangible guidelines to reach the goals. The ISO standard focuses on effectiveness of quality management system in improving customer demands. It is meant for all kinds of organisations, irrespective of their size, organisation, products or services, which try to handle and improve their business operation and increase satisfaction of their customers. The standard is an excellent basis for being upgraded with other management systems determined by standards such as ISO 14001:2004, BS OHSAS 18001:2007… The standard determines and classifies demands for quality management system, management operations, resource management, basic activity implementation and control. If the organisation fulfills all the standard requirements, it can obtain the certificate for quality management system after successful implementation of the certification procedure. In establishment and system structure of the quality system in all key processes of business activities, which is the goal of the quality project in the company Presvit d. o. o., it is necessary to provide further trainings and follow the standard ISO 9001 with their own system of business efficiency monitoring. It is essential that the employees are familiar with the procedures and goals of quality examination because it is the main motto to achieve improvement in quality system efficiency.

Keywords:quality, standards, organisation, quality management system, process, procedure, document, management system, certificate, examination

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