
Proizvodnja modulov s svetlečimi diodami v avtomobilski industriji
ID KOVŠE, SIMON (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2F5734EC96C2411D73058087C9C3C621
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8e205a78-d682-40f1-be08-d27780d0884d

Diplomsko delo se začne s prvim poglavjem, ki vzpostavi uvodni pregled nad vsemi poglavji. V drugem poglavju diplomske naloge sta opisana konstrukcija in funkcije avtomobilskega žarometa. Poglavje obravnava svetlobne vire in elektronska nadzorna omrežja, ki krmilijo žaromet in njegove elektronske podsestave v avtomobilu. Tretje poglavje je namenjeno podsestavu, ki ima čedalje večji cenovni delež žarometa, tj. tiskanem vezju s svetlečimi diodami. Vsebina poglavja bralca vodi k poznavanju osnov postopkov proizvodnje, razvoja in testiranja. Obrazloženo izrazoslovje ter opisane tehnologije procesov na področju tiskanih vezij bralcu z osnovnim tehničnim znanjem prikažejo, kako je velikoserijska proizvodnja komponent s svetlečimi diodami sploh mogoča. V četrtem poglavju je opisano okolje in pogoji pri končni montaži svetlobne opreme. Principi proizvodnih tehnologij so za vse sestavne dele in module svetlobne opreme osnovani na podobnem razmišljanju. V zadnjem poglavju je predstavljen praktični del, ki opisuje uvedbo novega načina nadzornega vodenja laserskega varjenja optične leče na modul. Prikazano je, kako lahko z ustreznimi metodami opazovanja in s sistematičnim pristopom optimiziramo proizvodni proces. Del poglavja je namenjen opisu metod opazovanja, s katerimi lahko določimo kvaliteto laserskega varjenja. Nastavitev parametrov nadzornega vodenja je potekala na optimiziranem procesu. Predstavljena je prednost implementiranega načina nadzora, ki ne vpliva na krmilni tok laserske diode. Z generacijo vedno enakega krmilnega tokovnega impulza je mogoče odziv sistema vsakič znova primerjati z želenim in določiti ustrezno tolerančno območje.

Keywords:tiskano vezje, žaromet, svetleča dioda, proizvodnja, razvoj, nadzorno vodenje, lasersko varjenje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81186 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Production of LED modules in automotive industry
This diploma thesis starts with the first chapter, which establishes an initial overview of all sections. In the second chapter we overview the structure and function of a headlamp. We describe various light sources and electronic control networks in cars. Electronic control networks are essential to drive the headlamp and its electronic sub-assemblies. The third chapter is devoted to particular sub-assemblies, which have an increasingly higher price share of the headlamp. We focus primarily on the printed circuit board with LEDs. Further reading of the chapter leads the reader to the basics of manufacturing, development and testing. The description of printed circuit board production process techniques shows the reader how large series production of components with LEDs is at all possible. The fourth chapter describes the environment and conditions for the final assembly of the lighting equipment. Principles of production technology for all components and modules of lighting equipment are based on similar thinking. The last chapter presents the practical part, in which we describe the implementation of the new supervisory system for laser welding process monitoring for welding of optical lens on the module. We describe the appropriate methods of observation and a systematic approach to optimize the manufacturing process. A part of the chapter is devoted to the description of the observation methods, with which we can determine the quality of laser welding. Settings of the supervisory program parameters were done on an optimized process. This chapter presents the advantage of the implemented control mode, which does not affect the control current of the laser diode. With the generation of a repeatable control current pulse, it is possible to see the response of the system over and over again and then compare it with the desired response. It is also possible to set the corresponding temperature tolerance band.

Keywords:printed circuit board, headlamp, light emitting diode, production, development, control, laser welding

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