
ID BRATANIČ, BLAŽ (Author), ID Tomaževič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: FEE41EB6B1DBA6155E570025BACD7FD0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0bf6bcf1-0ffe-44b7-b336-c3a783264941

Zaznavanje predmetov in ocenjevanje njihove lege na sliki je potrebno na najrazličnejših področjih. Informacija o legi predmetov je pomembna na področju robotike, tako industrijske kot storitvene, na področju virtualne in obogatene resničnosti in tudi v primeru nadzora kakovosti s pomočjo strojnega vida; nadaljnji razvoj na tem področju pa odpira tudi mnoga nova področja uporabe. V primeru robotskih aplikacij v industrijskih okoljih mora robotska roka poznati lego (znanega) predmeta, s katerim bo manipulirala. Naloga, ki se pogosto pojavlja, je t. i. ,,bin-picking, kjer robotska roka pobira predmete, ki se lahko med seboj delno ali v celoti zakrivajo, ter jih zlaga na želeno mesto. Poznana lega predmetov je pomembna tudi pri avtomatskem vizualnem pregledovanju. V zadnjih desetletjih je bilo opravljenega veliko dela za avtomatizacijo vizualnega pregledovanja industrijskih izdelkov in razširitev njegove uporabnosti in eksibilnosti. Čeprav so sistemi za vizualno pregledovanje že zelo napredovali in so sposobni z visoko zanesljivostjo pregledovati predmete v skrbno načrtovanih okoljih, ostaja vizualno pregledovanje v neurejenih okoljih brez natančne mehanske manipulacije odprt problem. V primeru, da nimamo na voljo ustrezne mehanske manipulacije oziroma je mehanska manipulacija nemogoča, je potrebno predmete, ki jih želimo analizirati, sprva zaznati in oceniti njihovo lego. Ocena lege je pomembna za vizualno pregledovanje v urejenih kontroliranih okoljih, kjer lahko z mehansko manipulacijo dosežemo vsaj delno poznavanje lege predmeta, še posebej pa je pomembna v neurejenih okoljih, kjer je mehanska manipulacija nezanesljiva ali sploh ni mogoča. Izvirni prispevki te doktorske disertacije združujejo razvoj in vrednotenje metode za oceno lege enakih predmetov v neurejeni množici ter razvoj in vrednotenje metode za oceno rotacije v ravnini. Izvirni prispevki so na kratko predstavljeni v nadaljevanju.

Keywords:ocena lege, ocena rotacije, neteksturirani predmeti, neurejena množica predmetov
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-81185 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11319380 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.03.2016
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Object detection and pose estimation is essential in many applications. Information about pose is necessary for robotics (industrial and service), augmented reality, and automatic visual inspection. Research on pose estimation methods has also opened up many new areas of estimation utilization. A common application in industrial environment is bin-picking, where a robotic arm picks and orders cluttered objects. In recent years, many researchers have focused on service robotics, where a robot solves tasks in domestic environments; for example, stacking dishes in the dishwasher or cleaning. In addition to robotics, a known pose is also important for automatic visual inspection. Visual inspection systems are often crucial for the detection of defects in manufactured products and for diagnosing problems in a manufacturing process. Currently, one characteristic of automated visual inspection systems is their specialization. With few exceptions, nearly all of the existing automated visual inspection systems have been designed to inspect a single object or a part of one whose position is highly constrained. Positioning is usually achieved by mechanical manipulation of an object, a process that can be expensive, space and/or time consuming, or simply impossible in some scenarios. A visual inspection system that could inspect arbitrarily positioned objects would bypass the need for the mechanical manipulation of inspected parts, thus reducing the cost of the system and increasing its exibility. It would also enable inspection in scenarios where previously it would have been thought to be unfeasible. For visual inspection in mechanically unconstrained environments, the system needs to detect and estimate the pose of the objects, before the inspection can take place. Pose is important for visual inspection in ordered environments where we can constrain (partly) an object's pose by mechanical manipulation and particularly in cluttered environments where the pose is unknown. The original contributions of this doctoral thesis include the development and evaluation of methods for the pose estimation of multiple identical objects in heavily cluttered environments as also a method for in-plane rotation estimation. Original contributions are briey presented below.

Keywords:pose estimation, rotation estimation, textureless

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