
Mikroorganizmi v predšolskem obdobju
ID Brvar, Petra (Author), ID Bajd, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga prepleta področje narave, kjer smo z raziskavama preverili predstave otrok in znanje vzgojiteljev o mikroorganizmih in pogostost vključevanja omenjene teme v samo prakso vzgojiteljev. Raziskava med otroki je potrdila, da ti nimajo točnih predstav o mikroorganizmih, ker so težje predstavljivi, saj jih s prostim očesom ne vidimo. V vrtcu smo izvedli tudi projektno delo o mikroorganizmih, kjer smo z otroki odkrivali in spoznavali njim neznane organizme. Ob izvajanju projekta smo ugotovili, da je za nivo na novo pridobljenega znanja otrok in uspešnosti projekta ključnega pomena vloga vzgojitelja, da glede na starost otrok uporabi ustrezne metode in oblike dela ter da stremi k raziskovalnemu pristopu in aktivnemu učenju. Raziskava med vzgojitelji je pokazala, da se v svoji praksi ti zelo redko odločijo približati mikroorganizme otrokom, saj v kurikulumu ni zajetih specifičnih znanj, zato posledično o mikroorganizmih ne vedo veliko in nimajo točnih predstav o njih.

Keywords:predšolsko obdobje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80951 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10944841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Microorganisms in the preschool period
The thesis deals with nature through two pieces of research exploring children's ideas about microorganisms and the knowledge of preschool teachers about such organisms. In addition, it examines how often teachers include this topic in their practice. The research among children confirmed that they do not have an exact idea about microorganisms because they are invisible to the naked eye and thus difficult to imagine. We also launched a project in a kindergarten where children discovered and explored organisms they knew nothing about. During the project we established that the role of the teacher is crucial in attaining a certain level of newly acquired knowledge and the success of the project; the teacher needs to use age-appropriate methods and forms of work and strive to engage children in research and active learning. The research among preschool teachers indicated that they rarely decide to discuss microorganisms with children because the curriculum does not contain any specific knowledge about them. As a result, teachers know very little about microorganisms and only have faint idea of what they are like.

Keywords:preschool period

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