To preschool children, discovering and exploring the nature offers a lot of possibilities for indirect learning, and with it the joy of studying organisms that live in the nature.
In my diploma thesis, I wanted to present how useful the dichotomous digital biological key for determining organisms in kindergarten can be.
The first part of the thesis includes important theoretical bases: the field of nature in Kurikulum, learning and teaching of natural sciences in kindergarten, biological determining keys, their types, forms, and their usage. Furthermore, I presented the SiiT project, which deals with establishing interactive determining keys, and described the characteristics of amphibians, focusing more in detail on a toad and salamander.
In the empirical part of the thesis, I established how the usage of the digital key affects the knowledge of amphibians among the kindergarten children, how useful the usage of such key is on the kindergarten level, and whether children like getting to know animals and plants with the help of a digital biological key and if they wish to use it in the future.
The results have shown that the digital determining key helps children to understand and recognize amphibians. Researching with determining keys turns out to be an interesting diversification and a new approach to experiencing and getting to know new animals. I found out that the results of the post-test were better than the results of the pre-test. In the future, children wish to use biological keys when getting to know animals and plants.