
Metulji v občini Dol pri Ljubljani
ID Nadu, Nina (Author), ID Verovnik, Rudi (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3376/ This link opens in a new window

Območje Dol pri Ljubljani je reliefno, geološko in vegetacijsko pestra pokrajina. Dnevni metulji veljajo za zelo dobre pokazatelje okoljskih sprememb, zato smo v naši diplomski nalogi želeli ugotoviti spremembe v favni metuljev v skoraj desetletnem obdobju. Naš cilj je bil popisati izbrana območja in vrste dnevnih metuljev ter podati naravovarstvene smernice, ki so pomembne za njihovo ohranjanje. Vzorčili smo v obdobju od aprila do septembra 2014, na 8 izbranih vzorčnih območjih ter naše ugotovitve nato primerjali s podatki podobne raziskave iz leta 2005/06. Popisali smo 44 različnih vrst dnevnih metuljev, med njimi vrsti škrlatni cekinček (Lycaena hippothoe) in primorski belin (Pieris mannii), ki spadata med ogrožene v slovenskem prostoru. Ugotovili smo zmanjšanje števila vrst v primerjavi s predhodno raziskavo. Med vsemi popisanimi vrstami so prevladovale splošno razširjene vrste, ki se pojavljajo na vseh tipih travniških habitatov. Najmanjše število vrst smo zabeležili na območjih, kjer prevladujejo vlažna travišča. Med vrstami, ki jih v primerjavi s predhodno raziskavo v naši raziskavi nismo uspeli zabeležiti, jih največ sodi med vrste suhih travnikov. Na novo so se pojavile predvsem tiste, ki so značilne za gozdne robove z mejicami in dobro presvetljene gozdove. Zaradi dokaj visoke vrstne pestrosti dnevnih metuljev na območju Dol pri Ljubljani, je potrebno za njihovo ohranitev upoštevati smernice njihovega varovanja in ohranjanja. Na podlagi ugotovljenih ogroženih in redkih vrst, ki so tu prisotne, lahko nekatera območja opredelimo kot naravovarstveno pomembna. Na njih bi bilo treba skrbno nadzorovati posege v naravno krajino, ki zmanjšujejo življenjski prostor te pomembne skupine žuželk.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80939 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10943049 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2016
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Title:Butterflies in the municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
The region of Dol pri Ljubljani has a landscape of high relief, geological and vegetation diversity. Butterflies are known to be good indicators of environmental change, therefore in our diploma thesis we wanted to examine the changes in butterfly fauna in the time span of almost a decade. Our objective was to make an inventory of butterfly species of specified areas, compare them to previous studies and provide the environmental guidelines, essential for their conservation. We'd collected samples in the period from April to September 2014 in 8 different sample areas and we then compared our findings to data, obtained from a similar study, conducted in 2005/06. We observed 44 different species of butterflies, among which the purple-edged copper (Lycaena hippothoe) and the southern small white (Pieris mannii) are endangered in Slovenia. Compared to the previous study, there is a decline of the number of observed species. Among all species detected in the survey, the common species that occur in all types of meadow habitats predominate. The lowest number of the species was recorded in areas comprising wet meadows. Among species not re-found in our survey, most are inhabitants of dry meadow habitat. Newly observed species were mainly those, common at the forest clearings, hedges and sparse woods. Due to a relatively high diversity of butterflies in the Dol pri Ljubljani region, it is necessary to follow the protection and conservation guidelines in order to preserve them. Based on our discovery of endangered and rare species in the region, we can propose some areas of conservation importance. In these areas all interventions into natural landscape that reduce the habitat of this important class of insects, should be carefully monitored.


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