
Iskanje prometnih znakov s programom na operacijskem sistemu Android
ID KRAMBERGER, MIHA (Author), ID Dobravec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2AFD5E8071B8AA812F90AC7138D90775
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/51bfb150-6ec0-4cdc-9792-c0c0359205c7

Cilj diplomske naloge je razvoj programa za zaznavanje prometnih znakov za hitrost na platformi Android, ki ga je z minimalnimi dodelavami mogoče razširiti tudi na druge mobilne operacijske sisteme. Program je namenjen vsem udeležencem prometa z avtomobili in ostalimi prevoznimi sredstvi, kjer je možna namestitev tabličnega računalnika ali telefona, tako da voznika ne ovira pri vožnji. Program je primeren predvsem za voznike, ki podobnih sistemov še nimajo vgrajenih v avtomobil. Diplomska naloga obsega program, ki je pretežno napisan v programskem jeziku Java za operacijski sistem Android, uporabljena orodja in njihov kratek opis ter postopki, ki so potrebni za pravilno delovanje programa. Opisana je tudi problematika zaznavanja znakov in načini, ki omogočajo zaznavanje, ter rešitve, uporabljene v obstoječih sistemih. Za zaznavanje znakov se uporablja kamera na napravi, za procesiranje dobljenih podatkov pa knjižnica OpenCV. Program ne uporablja drugih tehnologij za pomoč pri zaznavanju in ni povezan z spletom ali sistemom GPS. Namenjen je daljši uporabi v avtomobilu, zato je za avtonomijo baterije poskrbljeno s pravilno izbiro barve ozadja, ki prekriva večino zaslona, in z zajemom slik v manjši resoluciji. Med uporabo voznik postavi napravo v stojalo in jo obrne v smeri vožnje tako, da kamera ni zakrita in je rahlo obrnjena v desno smer proti znakom.

Keywords:program Android, zaznavanje znakov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80720 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Detecting traffic signs with a programme on the Android operating system
The objective of the diploma thesis is to develop a speed traffic signs detection application on the Android platform, which could be extended to other mobile operating systems with minimal adjustments. The programme is intended for all vehicles and other transport means in traffic, where the tablet or phone can be assembled so that does not disturb the driver at driving. The programme is appropriate for drivers who have not had similar systems installed in their cars. The diploma thesis presents a programme that is mostly prepared in the Java programming language for the Android operating system, used tools and a short description as well as procedures required for proper operations of the programme. The thesis also explains the sign detection issues and methods used to enable detection, as well as solutions used in the existing systems. Signs are detected by a camera set on the device; acquired data are processed by the OpenCV library. The programme does not use other technologies for detection and is not connected to the GPS system. The programme is intended for a long-term use in the vehicle, therefore, the battery autonomy is provided with the appropriate selection of the background colour that covers most of the screen, and with imaging in lower resolution. During the use, the driver set the device in a holder and turns it in the direction of driving so that the camera is not covered and slightly directed to the right side facing the signs.

Keywords:Android programme, sign detection

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