
Obravnava učinkovitosti vetrnih turbin, temelječa na induktivnih učnih strategijah : magistrsko delo
ID Skrt, Tina (Author), ID Kocijančič, Slavko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Avsec, Stanislav (Comentor)

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Električna energija je eden najpomembnejših energentov. Zaradi vse večjega uveljavljanja električnih prevoznih sredstev v zadnjem času celo pridobiva na veljavi. Med viri za pridobivanje električne energije zaenkrat prevladujejo neobnovljivi. Med obnovljive vire spada tudi veter. Vetru kot energentu v učnem načrtu predmeta tehnika in tehnologija v osnovnih šolah ni posvečeno posebne pozornosti. Da bi uvedli temo izkoriščanja vetrne energije v poučevanje tehnoloških vsebin, bi morali izbrati prevladujočo učno strategijo. Ker gre za aktivne oblike dela učencev, bi dali prednost induktivnim učnim strategijam. Uveljavljeno, tradicionalno poučevanje namreč temelji na deduktivnih pristopih k poučevanju. Glede induktivnih pristopov je v učnem načrtu za predmet tehnika in tehnologija eksplicitno omenjeno le projektno učenje, ostale strategije so zastopane le posredno, to je v okviru opisa aktivnosti učencev. V letu 2013 je Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani vstopila v 3-letni projekt Chain reaction, ki ga financira Evropska komisija v okviru 7. okvirnega programa. V magistrskem delu smo temo vetrnih turbin izvedli z upoštevanjem konceptov poizvedovalnega učenja. V uvodu smo opisali razlike med induktivnim in tradicionalnim poučevanjem. Opredelili smo vrste induktivnega poučevanja, bolj podrobno pa smo opredelili poizvedovalno učenje. Na osnovi konceptov poizvedovalnega učenja smo izdelali učno pripravo tehniških dni, pri kateri smo večinoma izhajali iz strategije poizvedovalnega učenja. Izdelali smo model preproste vetrne turbine, opisali postopek izvedbe tehniških dni. Predstavili smo rezultate izvedbe tehniških dni v primerjavi z rezultati, ki so jih dosegli na OŠ Solkan, kjer so kot učno strategijo uporabili ustaljene koncepte tradicionalnega poučevanja. Primerjava je pokazala, da so malenkost boljše rezultate dosegli prek tradicionalnega učenja. Po revidirani Bloomovi taksonomiji se je tradicionalno poučevanje pokazalo bolj učinkovito na stopnji pomnjenja podatkov in pri analizi. Zbrani podatki vprašalnika o zadovoljstvu eksperimentalne skupine pokažejo, da so učenci, udeleženi v projektu Chain reaction, različni. Na OŠ Šentjernej so v primerjavi z OŠ Maksa Pečarja in OŠ Srečka Kosovela bolj zadovoljni z izvedbo, učnimi pripomočki, vsebino, procesom in temo tehniških dni. Zajeti vzorec eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine je majhen, zato bi v prihodnje morali zajeti večji vzorec, predvsem v kontrolni skupini. Tako bi lahko dobljene rezultate posplošili na celotno populacijo.

Keywords:induktivno učenje, deduktivno učenje, poizvedovalno učenje, problemsko učenje, projektno učno delo, učenje z odkrivanjem, učenje na primerih, induktivne učne strategije, projekt Chain reaction, vetrne elektrarne
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Skrt]
Number of pages:IX, 44 str., XLI
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80628 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10920521 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.03.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching the effectiveness of wind turbines using inductive learning strategies
Electrical energy is one of the most important energy products. However, its popularity has been growing due to the rise of electric vehicles. To date, the majority of electrical energy resources have been non-renewable. One of the renewables is wind. The curriculum for design and technology does not pay any attention to wind as an energy product. To introduce the topic of wind energy exploitation into technology-related topics, a general learning strategy should be selected. Inductive learning strategies should be given priority because pupils engage in activities. Popular and traditional teaching methods, however, are based on deductive approaches. The only explicitly mentioned inductive approach in the curriculum for design and technology is project learning. Other strategies are mentioned indirectly, i.e. through descriptions of pupils' activities. In 2013, the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana joined the 3-year Chain Reaction project, which is funded by the European Commission as part of the Seventh Framework Programme.The master's thesis explores the topic of wind turbines in line with the concepts of inquiry-based learning. In the introductory part we described the differences between traditional learning and inductive learning and defined the types of inductive learning, with special attention devoted to inquiry-based learning. Based on the concepts of inquiry-based learning, we developed a lesson plan for technical days, taking into account the strategies of inquiry-based learning. We devised a simple model of a wind turbine and described the implementation of technical days. Moreover, we discussed the results of the technical days and compared them to those from the Solkan Primary School, where established concepts of traditional teaching were employed. The comparison indicated that traditional approaches to learning yielded slightly better results. The Revised Bloom's Taxonomy suggests that traditional teaching methods are more effective at the level of memorising data and analysis. The data from the questionnaire on the satisfaction of the experimental group showed that the pupils participating in the Chain Reaction process are different. The pupils from the Šentjernej Primary School were more satisfied with the implementation, teaching aids, contents, the process and the topic of the technical days compared to the pupils from the Maksa Pečarja Primary School and the Srečka Kosovela Primary School. The sample in both the experimental and the control group was small. In the future, its size should be larger, particularly in the control group to be able to generalise the results to the entire population.

Keywords:inductive learning

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