
Razvoj absolutnega magnetnega dajalnika pozicije
ID BRUS, DARJAN (Author), ID Križaj, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 92B5CC685518E87C38CC20E5A0DA7CA1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/080ecfbe-f00b-46b9-9a57-5d50f3081118

Cilj te diplomske naloge je bilo izdelati rotacijski enkoder z uporabo magnetnega senzorja AM4096. Taki magnetni enkoderji dajejo podatke o poziciji oziroma zasuku neke osi. Izhodni podatki so lahko v različnih oblikah: sinusni in kosinusni, različnih digitalnih komunikacijah, inkrementalni,... Te enkoderje se uporablja v aplikacijah kjer je potrebno vedeti zasuk osi na desetinko stopinje natančno, ali če nas zanima le hitrost vrtenja osi. V mojem primeru je bilo prejeto povpraševanje po enkoderju, ki bi pozicijo prikazoval z RS485 komunikacijo. Nalogo sem začel z izdelavo prototipnega modela, v katerem sem uporabil enkoder RMB28 podjetja RLS ter testno vezje z mikroprocesorjem. Glede na rezultate prototipa sem narisal in izdelal vezje za končni izdelek. Enkoder je v grobem sestavljen iz magnetnega senzorja AM4096, mikroprocesorja dsPIC33EP64MC502, gonilnika za RS485 komunikacijo, dveh napetostnih regulatorjev, uporov in kondenzatorjev. Magnetni senzor pridobi podatek o poziciji, mikroprocesor sprejme, obdela ter pošlje ta podatek v RS485 pretvornik, ki pretvarja univerzalno asinhrono v diferencialno RS485 komunikacijo. Končni izdelek je delujoč magnetni dajalnik pozicije, ki prikazuje podatek o zasuku osi z natančnostjo +/- 0,13°. Tekom naloge sem se srečal s problemom porabe enkoderja glede katere sem naredil tudi krajšo analizo in rešitev problema.

Keywords:rotacijski enkoder, mikroprocesor, RS485 komunikacija, magnetni senzor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80159 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Development of an absolute magnetic rotary encoder
The objective of this thesis was to make a rotation encoder with the use of the magnetic sensor AM4096. This type of magnetic encoder gives information about position and rotation of an axis. The output data can be in various forms: sinus and cosinus, different digital communications, incremential, ... These encoders are used in applications where there is important to know the rotation of the axis by the precision of a tenth of degree or if we need to know the velocity of the axis' rotation. In my case there was an inquiry after an encoder which would show the position with a RS485 communication. I started my assignment by making a prototype model in which I used encoder RMB28 made by RLS company and a test PCB with a microprocessor. The final product was drawn up and made in close regard to the results of the prototype. The encoder consists of a magnetic sensor AM4096, a microprocessor dsPIC33EP64MC502, a driver for RS485 communication, two voltage regulators, resistors and condensators. The magnetic sensor acquires the position data, microprocessor recieves, processes and then sends this data into the RS485 driver, which converts the universal asynchronous into a differential RS485 communication. The final product is a working magnetic position encoder which shows the information about axis' rotation with the precision of +/- 0.13°. During my assignment I encountered a problem regarding the encoder's consumption which I then analysed and solved.

Keywords:rotation encoder, microprocessor, RS485 communication, magnetic sensor

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