
Mehanizmi transporta in sedimentacijski procesi kvartarnih pobočnih sedimentov na območju Rebernic : doktorska disertacija
ID Popit, Tomislav (Author), ID Rožič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fifer Bizjak, Karmen (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/05ab6740-9aa4-4799-8f31-b7a61b8087c3

Pomembno težo pri razumevanju dogodkov današnjih plazov ima tudi raziskovanje fosilnih plazov, ki so nastali v bližnji in daljni geološki preteklosti. Fosilni, predvsem subrecentni plazovi opozarjajo na labilna in potencialno nevarna območja, na katera moramo biti pozorni še danes. Edinstven vpogled v različne pobočne procese v naravi, kjer lahko ob hkratnem raziskovanju značilnosti sedimentov fosilnih plazov opazujemo tudi aktivnost recentnih procesov plazenja, nam prav gotovo nudi območje Rebrnic. Pobočne grušče na območju Rebrnic so opisali in kartirali številni avtorji, nihče pa se ni podrobno ukvarjal z mehanizmi transporta in sedimentacijskimi procesi kvartarnih pobočnih sedimentov. V doktorski disertaciji je predstavljena raziskava pobočnih gruščev, izvedena z geološkogeomorfološkim pristopom. Z vizualno interpretacijo senčenega modela reliefa in kazalnikom hrapavosti površja, izračunani iz podatkov aero laserskega skeniranja, so v kombinaciji z geološkim kartiranjem večinoma zelo dobro identificirani tako oblika, kot tudi razširjenosti in lastnosti površja posameznih sedimentnih teles. Na podlagi litoloških, stratigrafskih in arhitekturnih značilnosti pobočnih sedimentov je bilo ločeno 16 faciesov, ki označujejo končne člene raznolikih sedimentacijskih procesov znotraj kompleksnih in pogosto prepletenih ter medsebojno odvisnih mehanizmov transporta. Rezultati, navedeni v tem delu, ter celosten pregled dostopnih podatkov in literature so omogočili razumevanje mehanizmov transporta in sedimentacijskih procesov kvartarnih pobočnih sedimentov na območju Rebrnic ter s tem omogočili nov vpogled v pobočna premikanja na celotnem severnem robu Vipavske doline.

Keywords:grajeno okolje, kvartarni sedimenti, pobočni procesi, fosilni plazovi, geomorfologija, geomorfometrija, lidar, GIS, Rebrnice, Vipavska dolina
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Popit]
Number of pages:XXXVI, 345 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80154 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1249630 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.01.2016
POPIT, Tomislav, 2016, Mehanizmi transporta in sedimentacijski procesi kvartarnih pobočnih sedimentov na območju Rebernic : doktorska disertacija [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana : T. Popit. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:transport mechanisms and depositional processes of Quaternary slope deposit in Rebrnice area : doctoral thesis
In order to understand the gravity process of recent landslides it is important to explore fossil landslides, which occurred during the near and distant geological past. Fossil, especially sub recent landslides can show us unstable and potentially dangerous areas to which we should pay attention today. A unique insight into different slope processes in nature is certainly Rebrnice area, where you can research the characteristics of the fossil landslides while observing the activity of the recent landslidess. The slope deposit in the Rebrnice area were described and mapped by many authors but nobody has covered the transport mechanisms and depositional processes of quaternary slope deposit in detail. This doctoral thesis presents the study of slope deposit elaborated with the geologicalgeomorphological approach. With the visual interpretation of the shaded digital elevation model and indicator of surface roughness, which are calculated from the data of airborne laser scanning in the combination of geological mapping, we can in most cases clearly identify the form of the prevalence and surface characteristics of individual sedimentary bodies. On the basis of the lithological, stratigraphic and architectural characteristics of the slope deposit 16 facies were separated, indicating the final articles of diverse sedimentary processes within complex and often interlaced and interdependent transport mechanisms. Results described in this work, and a comprehensive review of the available data and literature have made it possible to understand the transport mechanisms and the depositional processes of quaternary slope deposit in the Rebrnice area and thereby allow new insight into slope movement throughout the northern area of the Vipava Valley.

Keywords:building environment, Quaternary deposit, slope processes, fosil landslide, geomophology, geomophometry, lidar, GIS, Rebrnice, Vipava valley

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