
Skrb za glas in uporaba besednega/nebesednega sporazumevanja pri vzgojiteljih predšolskih otrok
ID Grebenc, Sara (Author), ID Košir, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3346/ This link opens in a new window

Vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok so profesionalni glasovni uporabniki, kar pomeni, da ob pojavu glasovne motnje s težavo opravljajo svoje delo, dolgotrajna motnja pa zanje pomeni nezmožnost za nadaljnje opravljanje poklica. Zaradi vsakodnevne izpostavljenosti nekaterim dejavnikom, kot so delo z večjo skupino otrok, pridobivanje pozornosti z govorom, preglasno govorjenje, neprimerni delovni pogoji (npr. suh zrak), izpostavljenost infekcijam, spada poklic vzgojitelja med poklice z veliko glasovno obremenitvijo. Težave bi lahko deloma odpravili s poznavanjem navodil za skrb za glas, ki ugodno vplivajo ne le na glas, ampak na celo telo. Njihovo upoštevanje mora postati del vzgojiteljevega življenjskega sloga, sicer nimajo velikega pomena in učinka. Na ta način lahko preprečijo zlorabo glasu, ki pogosto pripelje do glasovnih motenj. Poleg poznavanja navodil za skrb za glas bi morali biti vzgojitelji seznanjeni tudi z načini, s katerimi lahko okrepijo ali delno nadomestijo svoj glas, znanje pa bi morali uporabljati v praksi. Ena od možnosti nadomestitve glasu je podajanje sporočil na nebeseden način: z objezikovnimi znaki, s pogledom, z mimiko obraza, z gestami, z dotiki, z držo telesa, s telesno razdaljo. Otroci so namreč izjemno dojemljivi za nebesedno podana sporočila, česar se morajo vzgojitelji zavedati in to znati izkoristiti. Tudi pritegnitev pozornosti otrok prepogosto poteka z uporabo glasu. Namesto tega je priporočljivejša uporaba kakšnega akustičnega pripomočka. Z omenjenimi načini bodo vzgojitelji skrbeli za svoj glas, da jim bo lahko dolgo in dobro služil. V diplomskem delu sem želela ugotoviti, kako vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok pri svojem delu skrbijo za svoj glas glede na način komunikacije: kako pogosto uporabljajo različne glasovne in neglasovne načine sporočanja, ali in kako težave z glasom vplivajo na delo vzgojiteljev ter kateri vzgojitelji uporabljajo več neglasovnega sporočanja. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem to raziskovala, in sicer s pomočjo analize anketnih vprašalnikov, ki so jih izpolnile vzgojiteljice in vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok, ki delajo v različnih vrtcih. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da ne obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v uporabi glasovnega in neglasovnega sporočanja med vzgojiteljicami, ki delajo z otroki v 1. starostnem obdobju, in vzgojiteljicami, ki delajo z otroki v 2. starostnem obdobju. Na delo vzgojiteljic prav tako ne vplivajo težave z glasom in njihova starost.

Keywords:vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80149 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10890057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Caring of the voice and the use of verbal/non-verbal mode of communication in preschool teachers
Preschool teachers as professional voice users find it difficult to do their job if they suffer from a voice disorder, while a persistent disorder means the end of their professional career. Due to the daily exposure to factors such as working with a big group of children, using voice to attract attention, speaking too loudly, bad working conditions (e.g. dry air), exposure to infections, teachers, like other voice-related occupations, suffer from vocal strain. Knowing voice care instructions, which favourably affect the voice as well as the whole body, could partly solve the problems. They, however, have no great significance and impact unless adherence to them becomes part of a teacher’s lifestyle. This is a way to prevent voice abuse, which often leads to voice disorders. Besides voice care instructions, teachers should also be familiar with ways to strengthen their voice and reduce its use, and they should put this knowledge into practice. As one of the possibilities, nonverbal communication – such as paralanguage, facial expressions, gestures, touch, space, posture and body language – can substitute for voice. Teachers should be aware of the fact that children are extremely susceptible to conveying a message nonverbally and they should take advantage of it. They use their voice in order to attract attention too often as well. The use of an acoustic device is much more advisable. Following these tips will help teachers to care for their voice so that it can serve them long and well. The diploma paper deals with the ways preschool teachers communicate with children in order to take care of their voice: how often they use different vocal and non-vocal ways of communicating, whether and how voice problems affect teachers’ work and which teachers use more non-vocal communication techniques. The empirical part of the paper investigates the issue by analysing the questionnaire answers of male and female teachers from different nurseries. The survey results have shown that there are no statistically significant differences in the use of vocal and non-vocal communication between the teachers who work with younger children and those who work with older ones

Keywords:preschool teacher

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