
Pomen učenja in razvijanja samozagovorniških spretnosti pri učencih s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja : magistrsko delo
ID Mrvčić, Barbara (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Polak, Alenka (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3315/ This link opens in a new window

Učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU) imajo zaradi specifičnih motenj v predelovanju informacij lahko težave na učnem in socialno-čustvenem področju. Težave se največkrat kažejo pri zaznavanju in procesiranju informacij, usvajanju osnovnih šolskih spretnosti, razvijanju socialne kognicije, razumevanju socialnih situacij in medsebojnih odnosov, vzpostavljanju in zaključevanju pogovora ter razumevanju socialnih namigov iz okolja. Zaradi primanjkljajev na izobraževalnem in socialno-čustvenem področju se lahko učenec čuti učno manj uspešnega. V magistrskem delu obravnavam pomen učenja in razvijanja samozagovorniških ter drugih socialnih spretnosti, ki pripomorejo k večji samozavesti učenca in k boljšemu samozavedanju ter sprejemanju lastnih učnih težav. Pokazalo se je, da predstavljajo posameznikovo poznavanje lastnih močnih področij, samozavedanje učnih težav in večja socialna vključenost pomembne varovalne dejavnike, ki pri učencih zmanjšujejo šolsko neuspešnost ter občutke nemoči. Pridobljene spretnosti in varovalni dejavniki posledično prispevajo k večji motivaciji za lastno učenje in potek izobraževanja tudi v kasnejšem obdobju odraščanja. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela sem poudarila pomen razvijanja in prilagajanja okolja inkluzivnega šolanja, ki spodbuja celostni razvoj ter vključevanje posameznika, s tem pa tudi njegovo opolnomočenje v procesu sprejemanja in izražanja lastnih vzgojno-izobraževalnih potreb. Z namenom jasnejše predstavitve pomena učenja in razvijanja samozagovorniških spretnosti pri učencih s PPPU v empiričnem delu predstavljam trening, s katerim sem razvijala samozagovorniške spretnosti pri treh učencih sedmega razreda, ki imajo PPPU in so vključeni v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem z dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Trening je zajemal dejavnosti s področja spoznavanja samega sebe, vzpostavljanja asertivne komunikacije in reševanja problemov, seznanjanja z zakonskimi podlagami osnovnošolskega in srednješolskega izobraževanja ter izdelave individualiziranega programa. S spodbujanjem močnih področij teh učencev sem skušala vplivati na njihovo boljše razumevanje in sprejemanje lastnih učnih težav, sklepanje kompromisov, izražanje zahtev po potrebnih prilagoditvah ter na razvoj samozavestnega nastopanja. Trening sem usmerila tudi na uporabo pridobljenih znanj v konkretni situaciji, v kateri so učenci s PPPU razložili svoje izobraževalne potrebe in potrebne prilagoditve učitelju na šoli. V procesu izvajanja treninga za razvijanje samozagovorniških spretnosti pri učencih s PPPU sem izdelala delovno gradivo za učence s PPPU in pedagoške delavce, ki vključuje delovne liste ter slikovno gradivo za spodbujanje in razvijanje samozagovorniških spretnosti, ki je prilagojeno učenčevim vzgojno-izobraževalnim potrebam. Trening se je pokazal kot uspešen, saj so vsi trije učenci, zajeti v raziskavo, poročali, da so s treningom pridobili boljše samozavedanje in vpogled v lastna močna in šibka področja, da so pridobili nova znanja o individualiziranem programu ter da so se naučili novih pristopov reševanja problemov in konfliktnih situacij. Podobne ugotovitve sta, s svojega stališča, potrdila tudi šolska pedagoginja in razrednik, ki menita, da bi se prikazan trening moral izvajati tudi v prihodnje.

Keywords:učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, samozagovorništvo, samozagovorniške spretnosti, socialne spretnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[B. Mrvčić]
Number of pages:160 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80074 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10881097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of learning and developing self-advocacy skills for students with specific learning disabilities
Students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) have specific problems in processing information, which affects educational and social-emotional area of functioning. These problems usually affect detecting and processing information, the ability to gain basic school skills and social cognition. Thus the understanding of social situations and relationships, establishing and completing communication and understanding social hints from the environment is hindered. Due to these difficulties in the educational and social-emotional area, students with SLD may experience learning underachievement. For this reason, I have discussed and studied in my master's thesis the importance of learning and developing self-advocacy and other social skills for students with SLD that contribute to a grater self-confidence, self-awareness and acceptance of learning disabilities. It can be seen that an individual's knowledge of one's own strong points, their self-awareness and greater social inclusion represent important protective factors, which reduce school failure and learning powerlessness. These factors also contribute to greater motivation for learning and for involment in their own education. In the theoretical part of my master's thesis, I have highlighted the importance of developing and adapting inclusive environment, which promotes holistic development and social integration of the student. It also promotes their empowerment in the process of acceptance and expression of their own school-based needs. With a view of clarifying the importance of learning and developing self-advocacy skills of the students with SLD, I have presented the training in the empirical part of my master's thesis. The training with which I was developing self-advocacy skills of the three students with SLD attending the 7th grade and included in the education adjustment program with additional expert assistance. The training included activities in the field of cognition itself, assertive communication, problem-solving, introducing the legal bases of elementary and secondary education as well as creating individualised programs. By emphasising strong points of these students, I have worked on the following: understanding and acceptance of their own learning disabilities, learning to make compromises, demanding necessary adjustments and developing personal confidence through public speaking. The training focused on the use of already acquired skills in a concrete situation in which the student explained their educational needs and necessary adjustments to the teacher at the school. During the implementation process of the training of developing self-advocacy skills for students with SLD, I created a material for them and their school workers likewise. The material includes worksheets and illustrations for promoting and developing self-advocacy skills as well as being student-friendly in terms of their school-based needs. The training was successful and it has confirmed the findings already made in the field of self-advocacy. After the implementation of the training, all three students reported having gained a better self-awareness and a better insight in their own strong and weak areas. The training also helped them gain new knowledge of the individualized education program and learn new approaches to problem-solving in conflict situations.

Keywords:students with specific learning disabilities

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