
Povezanost izbranih dejavnikov okolja z zorenjem v predšolskem obdobju
ID Gregorc, Jera (Author)

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Namen raziskave je ugotoviti vpliv izbranih dejavnikov primarnega in sekundarnega okolja na zorenje v prvih letih življenja. Raziskovalci povežejo specifičnost otrokovega razvoja, ki vključuje rast, zorenje, lastno aktivnost in adaptacijo z njegovimi dejavniki, in sicer dednostjo, okoljem in lastno aktivnostjo. V raziskavo so zajeti otroci, ki še ne govorijo, zato je njihov razvoj opazovan preko zorenja osnovnega gibanja, ki je filogenetsko pogojen. Vzorec raziskave zajema 80 otrok (starih od 16 do 26 mesecev), 4 vzgojiteljice in 80 staršev teh otrok. Vzorec spremenljivk za merjenje zorenja temelji na Delacatovi teoriji postopnosti vključevanja telesnih udov pri premikanju po prostoru, medtem ko vzorec spremenljivk za merjenje primarnega in sekundarnega okolja predstavlja konstrukt štirih faktorjev na materialnem, vsebinskem, organizacijskem in kadrovskem področju. Pridobljeni podatki so obdelani s statističnim programom SPSS – 21.0 za Windows. Uporabljeni so osnovni statistični parametri (opisna statistika). Za ugotavljanje razlik med skupinami so uporabljene kontingenčne tabele in hi-kvadrat preizkus. Za ugotavljanje vpliva posameznega faktorja gibalno spodbudnega okolja na razvoj hoje predšolskega otroka pa je uporabljena multipla regresijska analiza. Hipoteze so sprejete na ravni 5-odstotnega tveganja (p = 0,05). Analiza rezultatov raziskave je potrdila statistično pomemben vpliv primarnega okolja na zorenje (razvoj hoje), medtem ko sekundarno okolje ni statistično pomembno vplivalo na stopnjo razvoja hoje. Razlogi so lahko v prevelikih normativih otrok na eno odraslo osebo, v pomanjkanju materialnih pogojev ali idej za njihovo uporabo. Lahko jih iščemo v subjektivni teorijah in strahu pred poškodbami.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:57-65
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-80062 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10847049 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.01.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between selected factors of environment and the maturation in preschool
The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of selected factors of primary and secondary environment to mature in the first years of life. Researchers link the specificity of children development, which involves growth, maturation, own activity and adaptation to genetics, environment and own activities. The study included children who do not speak yet, so their development is observed through the maturing of the basic movement, which is phylogenetically conditioned. The sample consisted of 80 children (aged 16 to 26 months), 4 teachers and 80 parents of those children. The sample of variables for measuring maturation is based on Delacat theory of a gradual integration of body limbs when moving around, while the pattern variables for measuring primary and secondary environment is represented by construct of four factors ( material, substantive, organizational and human resources area). The data obtained were processed with the statistical program SPSS - 21.0 for Windows. Basic statistical parameters is applied by descriptive statistics. To determine the differences between groups contingency tables and chi-square test are used. To determine the impact of selected factor the multiple regression analysis is made. Hypotheses are taken at 5 per cent risk (p = 0.05). Analysis of the results confirmed a statistically significant impact on the maturation of the primary environment, while the secondary environment shows no statistically significant effect on the level of development of walking. The reasons may be in excess norms child to an adult, the lack of material resources and ideas for their use. One can obtain the results in subjective theories and the fear of injuries.


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