
A treatise on corporate social responsibility non-communication
ID Jančič, Zlatko (Author)

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The aim of this paper is to consider the question of the suitability of the conspicuous communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices that is gaining popularity in the business world. Though it seems a plausible activity, the communication of CSR, in many cultures, might be misunderstood by various stakeholder groups as unnecessary bragging. This conceptual paper is based on the comparison between various traditions of conspicuous communication and non-communication about CSR. A critical point of view is used when discussing mainstream corporate practices in CSR marketing communication. A case study is also used to illustrate the specifics of a self-evident approach to CSR, The distaste for unnecessary bragging has its background in culture, religion, legislation and/or, as our case shows, also in ideology.

Keywords:Communication, Družbena odgovornost, Komuniciranje, podjetja, Social responsibility
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher:Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani
Number of pages:Str. 1562-1572, 1710
Numbering:Letn. 48, št. 6
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-78470 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0040-3598
COBISS.SI-ID:30884701 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.12.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja
Shortened title:Teor. praksa
Publisher:Fakulteta za družbene vede
COBISS.SI-ID:763652 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Cilj te razprave je premisliti vprašanje primernosti izstopajočega in v poslovnem svetu vedno bolj prisotnega (tržnega) komuniciranja o družbeni odgovornosti podjetij (DOP). Čeprav se zdi, da gre za smotrno aktivnost podjetij, se dogaja, da v mnogih kulturah deležniki tako početje razumejo kot nepotrebno bahaštvo. Konceptualni prispevek temelji na kritični primerjavi med različnimi tradicijami izstopajočega komuniciranja in nekomuniciranja o DOP. K razpravi je dodana še študija primera, ki naj dodatno pojasni 'samoumevni' pristop k DOP. Ugotavljamo, da lahko zadržanost do nepotrebnega bahaštva na tem področju izvira iz kulture, religije, zakonodaje in kot kaže naš primer tudi iz ideologije.


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