
Razvoj in industrializacija močnostnega pretvornika za pogon sesalnika z vodnim filtrom
ID ŠUBIC, MIHA (Author), ID Zajec, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9DDCFC698227CE27C8335A7C39D61215
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9399c7f3-f216-4b6a-ae49-c4c7602b92d9

Magistrsko delo je osredotočeno na razvoj elektromehanskega pogona za sesalnik z vodnim filtrom ter na pripadajoče zahteve in postopke, ki jih narekuje tako imenovana industrializacija izdelka. Slednja se ne podreja le zahtevam naročnika, temveč splošnejšim predpisom ter standardom, ki regulirajo ustreznost izdelka za prodajo na svetovnih trgih. Elektromehanski pogon sesalnika z nazivno vhodno močjo 720 W sestavljata elektronsko komutiran motor (EKM) in elektronsko vezje, ki skrbi za zanesljivo delovanje motorja in funkcionalnost celotnega izdelka. Uvodoma so razčlenjene specifikacije izdelka, ki izhajajo iz naročnikovih zah-tev ter iz omejitev razpoložljive tehnologije, s katero razpolaga izdelovalec. Uporaba EKM je utemeljena z želenim podaljšanjem pričakovane življenjske dobe izdelka ter z zmanjšanjem izpusta grafitnega prahu v primerjavi z univerzalnim kolektorskim motorjem. Dodaten razlog ponuja zahteva po cenovno ugodni zasnovi izdelka, ki dovoljuje priklop v napetostna sistema 120 V/60 Hz in 230 V/50 Hz. Elektronsko vezje sesalnika je razčlenjeno v vhodni filtrski del ter vezje moč-nostnega pretvornika. Njuna vloga in delovanje sta podrobneje opisani s pomočjo električnih shem in računskimi koraki za izračun ključnih komponent, kot je na primer dušilka pasivnega vezja za korekcijo faktorja moči. Opisani so tudi ostali za delovanje neobhodni sklopi – usmerniško vezje, močnostna stopnja, nadzorna enota, napajalno vezje, vhodno/izhodna stopnja in vezje za tokovno zaščito električne ščetke. V zaključnem delu so podana ozadja in rezultati testiranj življenjske dobe, tes-tiranja funkcionalnosti ter termičnega in mehanskega testiranja, za katera so bila prav tako zasnovana namenska vezja.

Keywords:EKM, električna shema, tiskano vezje, industrializacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-76596 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Development and industrialization of power stage for vacuum cleaner with water filter
The master's thesis is focused on the development of electromechanical drive for a vacuum cleaner with water filter, and related requirements for industrialization of the product. The industrialization does not only meet client demands but also gen-eral regulations and standards that define suitability of the product for sale on world markets. Electromechanical drive for vacuum cleaner with rated power 720 W, consists of an electronically commutated motor (ECM) and controller that provides reliable motor operation and functionality of the whole product. The first part of thesis explains product specifications which are result of cus-tomer's requirements and possible technical solutions according to manufacturer technology. The use of ECM technology is justified by longer life expectancy and it reduces release of graphite powder in comparison to single phase AC motor. The requirement for low product price also delegated the system design that allows the use for both 120 V/60 Hz and 230 V/50 Hz voltage systems. The electronic circuit of the vacuum cleaner consists of two parts, the filter stage and power converter stage. Their functions are described in detail through schematic diagrams, and components calculations, such as a choke for passive power factor correction. Additionally other parts of controller are described – rectifier cir-cuit, power stage, control unit, power supply, input /output stage and current protec-tion for electric brush. On the end of the paper there are results representing life expectancy tests, functionality tests, thermal and mechanical testing, for which the dedicated electrical circuits were also designed.

Keywords:ECM, schematic diagram, PCB, industrialization

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