HPP Vrhovo is the first powerplant in the chain of the lower Sava River Basin, built in 1993 and as an
object, spatially positined across the full width of the river, influences hydraulic conditions within the
reservoir. Operation rulebook of the HPP Vrhovo determines dam gates and flaps operation only
according to upstream flows, without considering sediment influence in the reservoir. At first, the role
of hydroenergy as an renewable energy source in the electricity production is presented, followed by a
short literature review from the expert field of sediment influence on reservoir hydraulic conditions
and historical review of key sediment transport analyses of the HPP Vrhovo reservoir as one of later
validation tools of the sediment transport simulation results. In the analytical section of the thesis,
temporal changes of the HPP Vrhovo reservoir volume are analysed initially, followed by sediment
transport theoretical basis, short introduction of used sediment transport model, development of model
numerical grid and setting of initial and boundary conditions of the model. The core of this thesis is
presented in the latter part, analysis and validation of the results of sediment transport simulation and
finally implementation of those results into optimization of existing operation rule curve with final