The thesis describes and implements digital circuit for processing video images, that can be included and used in other complex algorithms. These circuits can be found online but are almost always payable. The content of the thesis represents the first step in understanding and developing of embedded image processing systems.
The first chapter briefly describes theory about methods used for local operations which are used in image processing and edge detection. Some of the most common edge detectors have been studied and implemented, namely: Sobel, Prewitt and Canny.
The next chapter describes the entire system that we developed and the tools which we have used to design system in programmable circuit FPGA. We managed to build video frame grabber component, block memory component, image display component, preprocessing video images component and component to interconnect with processor. An application running on the processor part of the Xilinx programmable circuits Zynq is presented in the chapter of software components. With this application we can switch between each detectors and change their parameters using computer terminal.
The last chapter presents the results of image processing and the usage of programmable circuits resources for each component and their elements.