
Vzpostavitev geodetske mreže za spremljanje stabilnosti melišča na Potoški planini : magistrsko delo
ID Golob, Tina (Author), ID Koler, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Urbančič, Tilen (Comentor)

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MD5: 07BE61AC577CE13C65E0EEB591B4D56B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1a4bf1a9-28ea-486f-8dbf-1748bb1b53af

Na območju melišča na Potoški planini je drsenje drobirskega materiala stalni proces. Po analizah in ocenah geologov to vpliva na količine drobirskega materiala v rečni strugi pod lijakom na vznožju melišča. Za večletno spremljanje oblike površja melišča ter ocenjevanje količin materiala je bila za potrebe zagotavljanja enotnega geodetskega datuma vzpostavljena geodetska mreža. Ta naj bi v različnih terminskih izmerah služila za določitev koordinat oslonilnih in kontrolnih točk pri izmerah s sodobnimi tehnologijami množičnega zajema prostorskih podatkov. Naš cilj je bil s prvo izmero zagotoviti koordinatno osnovo na melišču, z drugo pa ugotoviti, ali je mreža stabilna in primerna za uporabo v naslednjih terminskih izmerah. Pridobljena opazovanja klasične izmere smo ustrezno obdelali in statistično analizirali. Z ločenima izravnavama opazovanj smo dobili horizontalne in višinske koordinate točk geodetske mreže. Premike točk geodetske mreže smo določili s primerjavo velikosti premikov ter tri kratne vrednosti natančnosti določitve teh premikov. Ugotovili smo, da so se točke na spodnjem delu melišča povprečno premaknile za 5,4 cm v horizontalnem smislu in 2,2 cm v višinskem smislu. V zaključku so podani komentarji rezultatov in ocena primernosti uporabe geodetske mreže v prihodnje.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrska dela, geodetska mreža, horizontalna izmera, višinska izmera, izravnava, kontrola stabilnosti, horizontalni premiki, vertikalni premiki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Golob]
Number of pages:X, 51 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73700 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7296097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The establishment of geodetic network for monitoring of the main scarp of the Potoška planina landslide
The slipping of gravel in the region of Potoška planina scree is a continuous process. According to geologists' analysis and estimates this process has an impact on the amount of gravel material in the river bed under the funnel at the foothills of the mountain scree. For the purpose of monitoring the shape of the scree surface and evaluating the quantity of the material over several years a geodetic network was established. It was meant to ensure a uniform geodetic datum, which would serve in different geodetic terms to establish coordinates for control points and check points, evaluating with modern multi ladling technologies of spatial data. First measurment's goal was to ensure the coordinate base at the scree, the second measurment's goal was to find out if the network is stable and suitable for the use in the future term measurments. The achieved observations of classical measurments have been adequatly processed and statistically analysed. With seperate adjustements of observations we got horizontal and hight coordinates of geodetic network. The movements of points of geodetic network were defined with comparing the size of movements with the three fold value of the accuracy of defining these movements. It was established that the points in the lower part of the scree moved on average for 5,4 cm horizontally and 2.2 cm in height. The conclusion provides comments on the results and the assesment whether the use of geodetic networks would be appropriate in the future.

Keywords:geodesy, master of science thesis, geodetic network, horizontal measurement, height measurement, adjustment, stability control, horizontal movements, vertical movements

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