
Elektronsko merjenje gledanosti televizije
ID LOVŠIN, ROK (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DB626D9328895B3A6E1A2922AD2E1901
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/36ebf7dd-90bd-49d2-bfe7-429b6cd631b7

Televizija je s svojim vstopom v medijski prostor povzročila velik preobrat. Možnost spremljanja premikajoče se slike z zvokom je bila za ljudi prava senzacija, zato se je uporaba televizijskih sprejemnikov skozi leta večala, s tem pa tudi želja po merjenju gledanosti televizije. Sprva je bilo to pomembno zaradi prilagajanja televizijskega programa gledalcem, nato pa zaradi ugotavljanja efektivnosti oglasov v zvezi s prodajo izdelkov oz. storitev. Začetki merjenja gledanosti televizije so bili izvedeni z uporabo metod, ki niso bile najbolj natančne in bilo je le vprašanje časa, kdaj se bo začela uporabljati naprava, ki bo omogočala objektivnejše merjenje. Izdelani so bili prvi mehanski merilniki gledanosti, kmalu zatem pa še elektronski. S prihodom novih tehnologij so se hkrati posodabljali merilniki in tudi metode, uporabljene za merjenje gledanosti televizije. Da bi se lahko zadostilo vse večjemu številu meritev in raznolikim metodam, je bilo potrebno uvesti celotne sisteme, ki so zbirali podatke o gledanosti. Ti so pripomogli k avtomatizaciji generiranja rezultatov o gledanosti televizije in tako zadostili željam uporabnikov, ki lahko danes na preprost način dostopajo do njih. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstavitev delovanja elektronskega merjenja oz. telemetrijskega sistema, uporabljenega za merjenje gledanosti televizije. Poleg tega je dodan tudi kratek pregled tehnološkega razvoja televizijske opreme od njenega začetka do danes in opis televizijskih standardov, ki so se skozi čas spreminjali.

Keywords:merjenje gledanosti, merilniki, metode, televizija, naprave, standardi, oglasi
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73460 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Electronic television audience measurement
Television has caused a major reversal with its entry in the world of media. The possibility of watching moving pictures with the sound was a real sensation for the people, so the use of television sets through the years grow, thus the desire of television audience measurement. Initially this was important for television content adaptation to the viewer wishes, then in order to determine effectiveness of ads in relation to sales of goods or services. The beginnings of measuring television audience were performed using methods that were not the most accurate, and it was only a matter of time before it comes into use a device that will allow a more objective measurement. First mechanical meters were built, shortly thereafter electronic. With the arrival of new technologies were simultaneously updated meters and also the methods used to measure television audience. In order to meet the growing number of measurements and diverse methods, it was necessary to introduce entire systems that collect data on audience measurement. These have helped to automate the generation of the results of the television measurement and thus meet the wishes of users who can now easily access them. The aim of the diploma thesis is the presentation of the operation of electronic measurement or telemetry system used for measuring the television audience. In addition, it also includes a brief overview of the technological development of television equipment since its beginning until now, and description of the television standards that have changed over time.

Keywords:audience measurement, meters, methods, television, devices, standards, ads

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