
Meritve električnih inštalacij v eksplozijsko ogroženih prostorih
ID ŽLOGAR, BOJAN (Author), ID Bizjak, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c5c8c32e-a4fe-408a-9387-37747c703bd6

Diplomska naloga opisuje preglede in merilne postopke, ki so potrebni pred predajo v uporabo in ob periodičnem vzdrževanju objekta z eksplozijsko ogroženimi prostori. Takšni objekti so po klasifikaciji zahtevni objekti. Znotraj objekta so montirane električne naprave in oprema, ki je zelo specifična glede na možnost vgradnje v eksplozijsko ogrožen prostor. Različne tipe naprav mora preglednik ali vzdrževalec prepoznati in tako oceniti, na kakšen način lahko napravo servisira oziroma pregleda. Tako so v diplomskem delu podrobno opisani klasični pregledi za nizkonapetostne inštalacije in merilni postopki, ki so značilni za objekte s potencialno eksplozivno atmosfero. Tudi zaščita pred strelo in prenapetostmi je zelo pomembna zaščita za takšne objekte, saj mora biti pravilno projektirana in izvedena. Zato so v nalogi opisane tudi zahteve in postopki za pregled strelovodne inštalacije.

Keywords:električna inštalacija, protieksplozijska zaščita, meritve električne inštalacije, električni udar, izenačitev potenciala
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Measurements of electrical installations in hazardous areas
The diploma work describes the reviews and measuring procedures, which are necessary before putting into the use and at the periodic maintenance of a facility with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Such facilities are according the classification the complex facilities. Inside the facility there are installed electrical devices and equipment, which is very specific according to the possibility of installation in explosive dangerous room. The maintainer or the inspector has to recognize the different types of devices and therefore evaluate on what way he can serviced or reviewed the device. Therefore in the diploma work, there are detailed described classical checks for low-voltage installations and measurement procedures, which are typical for facilities with a potentially explosive atmosphere. Also the protection against the lightning and over voltages is very important protection for such facilities. So it must be properly designed and implemented. Therefore there are also written the requirements and procedures for the review of conductor installations.

Keywords:electrical installation, anti-explosion protection, measurements of electrical installations, electrical shock, potential equalization

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