
Protokolna analiza
ID OMEJEC, DOMEN (Author), ID Hercog, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9C77C5C705A62DEB46F75AB736647D09
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/741ebd2e-8181-42e5-8d63-665b74d5e5f3

S pomočjo protokolnih analizatorjev analiziramo delovanje različnih protokolov, odpravljamo napake v omrežju,… Omrežje je sestavljeno iz veliko omrežnih elementov, preko katerih potuje več vrst prometa. Za nadzor omrežja se uporabljajo protokolni analizatorji, s pomočjo katerih zajemamo promet in dobimo protokolno analizo. Pri diplomski nalogi sem s protokolnim analizatorjem Wireshark zajemal promet na svojem lokalnem omrežju, ki je bilo preko prehoda ponudnika storitev povezano z zunanjim svetom. Zajemal in filtriral sem pakete, ki pripadajo osnovnim komunikacijskim protokolom v TCP/IP svetu. Opravil sem zajem paketov DHCP, ker sem želel ugotoviti, kakšen naslov IP dodeli DHCP strežnik mojemu računalniku. Opravil sem zajem dveh ARP paketov in izvedel, kakšen je MAC naslov mojega računalnika in prehoda. Poskus sem ponovil še pri drugemu ponudniku storitev, ker sem se želel pozanimati, če ima res vsak omrežni element svoj unikaten MAC naslov. Pri naslednjem zajemu DNS paketov sem izvedel naslov spletnega strežnika Fakultete za elektrotehniko. Za primerjavo nevarovanega in varovanega prenosa paketov sem naredil primerjavo med HTTP in HTTPS in dokazal, da HTTPS uporablja dodaten sloj za varovan prenos vsebine s pomočjo šifrirnega algoritma. Pri zajemu ICMP paketov pa sem dobil odzivni čas potovanja štirih paketov, ki so bili uspešno preneseni.

Keywords:protokolni analizator, protokolna analiza, protokoli, Wireshark, zajem paketov, pregled protokolnih analizatorjev
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73456 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2015
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Title:Protocol Analysis
Through protocol analyzers we are able to analyze the functioning of various protocols, and eliminating errors in the network ... The network is composed of many network elements through which several types of traffic travel around. Protocol analyzers are used to control the network, and by using them to capture the traffic we get the protocol analysis. In thesis I have used a protocol analyzer named Wireshark in order to capture traffic on my local network, which has been connected with the outside world through the router of the service provider. I have covered and filtered the packets that belong to the basic communication protocols of TCP/IP world. I have completed a capturing of the DHCP packets, because I wanted to find out what IP address is assigned to my computer by the DHCP server. I have also captured two ARP packets and discovered the MAC address of my computer and router. I have repeated the experiment with a different service provider, because I wanted to find out if each network element indeed has its unique MAC address. With the next capturing of DNS packets I learned the web server address of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. For comparison of unsecure and secure transmission of packets I did a comparison between HTTP and HTTPS, and proved that HTTPS uses an extra layer of protection for secure downloading content by using an encryption algorithm. In the ICMP packet capture, I received the access time of four packets that were successfully transferred.

Keywords:protocol analyzer, protocol analysis, protocols, Wireshark, capture packets, review protocol analyzers

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