
Stabilnost so-avtorskih bločnih modelov
ID Cugmas, Marjan (Author), ID Ferligoj, Anuška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 206FA2709FC7E657FC1EE9E9BF4D0ED1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/461e2d62-eb99-4ff0-a447-a68ed4291308

Sodelovanje v znanosti igra pomembno vlogo tako v produkciji, kot v deseminaciji znanstvenega védenja. Čeprav so njegove meje težko določljive, je pogosto operacionalizirano skozi so-avtorstva znanstvenih bibliografskih enot, ki predstavljajo enega poglavitnih formalnih rezultatov znanstvenega sodelovanja. Iz osebnih bibliografij raziskovalcev je mogoče ustvariti tako imenovana so-avtorska omrežja, ki omogočajo preučevanje povezanosti nekaterih značilnosti raziskovalcev z vzorci vzpostavljanja so-avtorskih povezav, na ravni celotnega omrežja pa tudi ugotavljanje strukture tovrstnih omrežij. Z analizo so-avtorskih omrežij štirih znanstvenih disciplin v štirih petletnih obdobjih so Kronegger et al. (2011) z bločnim modeliranjem potrdili domnevo o strukturi tipa več-centrov—semi-periferija—periferija. Pričujoče delo analizo razširja na skoraj vse znanstvene discipline, kot jih opredeljuje Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARRS) in poleg strukture sodelovanja v znanosti naslovi še vprašanje stabilnosti znanstvenih sodelovanj skupin raziskovalcev glede na pripadnost vedi. Struktura so-avtorskih omrežij slovenskih raziskovalcev je preverjena z metodo neposrednega pred-določenega bločnega modeliranja, za merjenje stabilnosti dobljenih skupin raziskovalcev v času pa so vpeljane različne prilagoditve popravljenega Randovega indeksa. V kontekstu preučevanja so-avtorskih omrežij v dveh časovnih obdobjih, enote navadno prihajajo v omrežje (npr. mladi raziskovalci) ali ga zapuščajo (npr. upokojitev), kar pomeni, da je razvrščanje (bločno modeliranje) v prvem in v drugem časovnem obdobju izvedeno na dveh različnih množicah enot. Prilagojeni Randovi indeksi omogočajo primerjanje podobnosti dveh razvrstitev, ki sta izračunani na dveh množicah enot, kjer je ena množica enot podmnožica druge množice enot, združevanje in deljenje skupin v času pa različno vplivata na vrednost predstavljenih koeficientov. Predpostavljena struktura omrežja več-centrov—semi-periferija—periferija je značilna za vse analizirane discipline. Povprečna velikost dobljenih centrov je statistično značilno (p < 0,05) večja v prvem obdobju (5,6 raziskovalcev), v primerjavi z drugim obdobjem (4,4 raziskovalci). Glede na področje raziskovanja pa je povprečna velikost centrov statistično značilno (p < 0,05) višja v naravoslovno-tehniških disciplinah (4,6 raziskovalcev), kakor v družboslovno-humanističnih disciplinah (3,8 raziskovalcev). Stabilnost skupin raziskovalcev na ravni disciplin je relativno nizka in je prej posledica mnogih kratkoročnih sodelovanj, kakor prisotnosti deljenja raziskovalnih skupin. Na ravni ved je povprečna stabilnost disciplin statistično značilno večja v vedah Tehnika in Medicina v primerjavi s Humanistiko, medtem ko med združenimi vedami v skupini naravoslovno-tehniških ved in družboslovno-humanističnih ved ni razlike v povprečni stabilnosti dobljenih centrov.

Keywords:razvrščanje, bločno modeliranje, Randov indeks, stabilnost, znanstveno sodelovanje, so-avtorska omrežja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73442 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2015
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Title:Stability of co-authorship blockmodels
Collaboration in science plays an important role in the production as in the dissemination of a new scientific knowledge. Even there is hard to define the borders of scientific collaboration, the term is often operationalized through the co-authorship of scientific bibliographic units, which represents one of the most important results of a scientific collaboration. Based on the personal researchers’ bibliographies, the co-authorship networks can be constructed. These networks enable us to study the relationship between some researchers’ characteristics and the patterns of establishing new co-authorship ties. Furthermore, it allows us to study the structure of that kind of networks. Kronegger et al. (2011), who studied the co-authorship networks of four scientific disciplines in four five years periods, confirmed the hypothesis about the multi-core—semi-periphery—periphery structure. In the current work, the analysis is done on the level of almost all scientific disciplines, according to the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). Beside the structure of co-authorship networks, the current work also addresses the question of the stability of scientific collaboration teams across scientific fields. The structure of co-authorship networks of Slovenian researchers is examined using the pre-specified blockmodeling, while the stability of obtained clusters of researchers is measured with one of three proposed Modified Adjusted Rand Indices. In the context of co-authorship networks in two time periods, some researchers can enter or leave the network in the second time period. This implies that the classification (blockmodeling) is performed on two different sets of units for the first and for the second time period. The Modified Adjusted Rand Indices enable us to compare two clusterings, obtained on two different sets of units, where one set of units is a subset of another set of units. Moreover, the merging and splitting of clusters in time have a different effects on the value of proposed indices. The assumed network structure multi-core—semi-periphery—periphery exists in all analysed scientific disciplines. The average core size is statistically significantlly (p < 0.05) higher in the first time period (5.6 researchers) compared to the second time period (4.4 researchers). Depending on the field, the average core size is statistically significant (p < 0.05) higher in the fields of the natural and technical sciences (4.6 researchers) that in the fields of the Social sciences and Humanities (3.8 researchers). The stability of cores on the level of scientific disciplines is relatively low. Instability of cores is more the consequence of many short term collaborations rather than splitting of cores. On the level of scientific fields, the average stability of cores is statistically significant (p < 0.05) higher in the fields of the Engineering sciences and technologies and the Medical sciences in comparison to the Humanities, while on the level of merged scientific fields into the natural and technical sciences and social sciences and humanities, there is no difference in the average stability of obtained cores (the value of MARI1 is 0.21).

Keywords:classification, blockmodeling, Rand Index, stability, scientific collaboration, co-authorship networks

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