In the scope of Master’s thesis, an algorithm has been developed for calculation of bunch-by-bunch lifetime in SSRF synchrotron and has been integrated into the EPICS control system. Being familiar with the lifetime of each bunch
is a very important diagnostic parameter which provides a lot of information about the quality of the synchrotron storage ring to the physicists. The main obstacle in the development of the solution has been the speed electrons travel with, which is very close to the speed of light. Consequently that makes bunches to be very short. Smallest gap between two bunches is therefore only 2 ns while the width is measured in a couple of hundreds of picoseconds. The market does currently not provide equipment which could acquire a sufficient amount of samples in one passing of the bunch to calculate reliable lifetime information. Therefore, the solution had to be developed in software layer with an algorithm that is fast enough to calculate the lifetime in relatively short time. The calculation is executed based on the samples acquired over many passings of a bunch which are then combined in a single waveform. With this information, physicists and engineers in charge of quality of the storage ring can more easily understand where the problems lie and are consequently able to fix them.