
Izdelava igrače v vrtcu
ID Dolhar, Nina (Author), ID Jaklin, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Izdelava igrače v vrtcu je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem sem predstavila splošne razvojne značilnosti predšolskih otrok, kakšni so ustvarjalni ljudje in otroci ter prvine aktivnega učenja. Opredelila sem pojem igra in igrače, kako delimo igro ter kakšne igrače poznamo. Opisala sem tudi materiale, iz katerih smo izdelovali igrače, na primer les, papir in umetne mase. Za konec teoretičnega dela sem predstavila otroka, tehniko in tehnično vzgojo ter kako poteka varno delo. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi načrtovanih in izvedenih dejavnosti ugotovila, da so otroci, stari od 3 do 4 let, do neke mere sposobni izdelati igračo, vendar pri tem potrebujejo nekaj spodbude in pomoč odraslega. Otroci so pri dejavnostih pokazali veliko zanimanja, ustvarjalnosti, vztrajnosti in veselja. Za konec pa sem napisala svoje ugotovitve in nekatere prikazala tudi z grafom. Iz lastnih ugotovitev in opažanj sem ugotovila, da so otroci neznane stvari, kot je brušenje s steklenim brusilnim papirjem, hitro usvojili. Za delo so bili motivirani. Menim, da so otroci pokazali svoje najboljše zmožnosti. Ko so bile igrače izdelane, so imeli do njih malo drugačen pristop, saj so se zavedali, kaj so v njih vložili.

Keywords:predšolski otrok
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-73131 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10758729 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Kindergarten toy making
Diploma with the title Toy making in kindergarten is composed of theoretic and empiric part. In theoretic part are presented general developmental characteristics of preschool children. Afterwards diploma dealt with the characteristics of creative adults and creative children. I also presented elements of active learning. It was very important to define the conception of play and toy in relation to various types of plays and toys. Diploma also dealt with materials for making toys such as wood, paper and other artificial materials. At the end of theoretic part I presented a child and techniques, technical education and how to maintain safe activities. Through planned and performed activities in empiric part of my diploma I have established that children from age 3 to age 4 are, to some extent, able to make a toy, but they need a little stimulation and help of an adult. During activities children showed a great deal of interest, creativity, persistence and joy. At the end I wrote my findings and presented some of them through a diagram. According to my findings and observations I can say that children conquered unknown things fast, such as glass sandpaper. Children were motivated for activities. In my opinion children showed the best they could. Once the toys were made, the perception towards toys was different, because children knew how much effort they put into making those toys.

Keywords:pre-school child

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