
Vzpostavitev koordinatne osnove z GNSS na osnovi simultanih RTK-meritev : diplomska naloga
ID Kotar, Tanja (Author), ID Pavlovčič Prešeren, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Škapin-Rugelj, Marjeta (Comentor)

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MD5: 8E365426CD9BD2F8158DB94408388486
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/17da322d-c348-4ad3-b056-a3d3ea95532a

Diploma naloga obravnava kakovost določitve 3D položajev točk z uporabo GNSS RTK metode izmere za primer, da različnim točkam položaje določamo v istem trenutku. Cilj naloge je pridobiti izkušnje o možnosti izboljšave relativne natančnosti položajev točk, če izberemo način, da točkam določamo položaj z GNSS RTK-metodo istočasno. Za to potrebujemo več operaterjev, ki istočasno na različnih točkah določajo položaj z RTK-metodo izmere. Opravljeni test sestavljajo nizi pridobljenih koordinat, ki se dodatno nanašajo na različna trajanja določitve koordinat z RTK-metodo izmere. Za namen poizkusa smo trem točkam najprej določili bolj kakovostne 3D coordinate s statično GNSS metodo izmere. Na istih točkah smo nadalje določili položaje z RTK metodo izmere in sicer najprej istočasno na vseh točkah, nadalje pa v različnih trenutkih na posameznih točkah. Koordinate iz RTK-metode izmere smo najprej primerjali s koordinatami iz statične metode izmere. Sledila je statistična primerjava vzorcev koordinat z različnimi izvedbami RTK-metode izmere (različni trenutki opazovanj, različna trajanja opazovanj). Iz opravljenih testov lahko zaključimo, da istočasna določitev koordinat z RTK-metodo izmere na različnih točkah vodi do boljše relativne natančnosti koordinat med točkami. Druga ugotovitev pa je, da daljša izvedba opazovanj pri RTK-metodi izmere void do bolj kakovostne določitve položajev točk.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska naloga, VSŠ, TUN, GNSS, RTK-metoda izmere, statična metoda, simultana opazovanja, dolžina trajanja opazovanj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Kotar]
Number of pages:IX, 33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72770 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7202145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Setting up of coordinate basis with GNSS on the basis of simultaneous RTK-measurements
The graduation thesis deals with the quality estimation of simultaneous acquisition of 3D coordinates using GNSS RTK method. The aim is to acquire the knowledge of the possibility of the internal network quality improvement by RTK-measurements performed at different sites at the same time. For this purpose we need several operators at different sites, which are synchronized in timings of measurements.The test consists from a set of several measurements acquired by RTK-method with different timing and different occupation durations. For the experimental tests the network of three points has been established and determined by a static GNSS method. On the same locations coordinates were further determined using simultaneous measurements of multiple receivers as well as by successive measurements with different timings of coordinate’s determination. RTK coordinates were compared first with coordinates from a static determination. Second comparison of coordinates of simultaneous and successive determination as well as coordinates with different occupation durations was performed. From the experimental test we can conclude simultaneous RTKmeasurements, if possible, enable better internal precision achievement. Second conclusion is that longer occupation duration leads to the coordinates of a better quality.

Keywords:GNSS, RTK-method, static method, simultaneous observations, successive observation, occupation duration

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