
Večkriterijska primerjava variantnih rešitev pri sanaciji objektov : diplomska naloga
ID Tratar, Jure (Author), ID Šelih, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7E9FE73BBCBCE72EC990E21F258A50D3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c6e01050-eb06-40d2-806a-520d8ac59df9

Pogosto se pri objektih, ki so potrebni obnove, postavlja vprašanje, ali je bolj smotrna njihova celovita sanacija, ali pa je bolj smotrno zgraditi novega. Prav gotovo je dejavnikov oziroma kriterijev, ki vplivajo na našo odločitev, več, na primer: stopnja dotrajanosti objekta, stroški izvedbe, čas izvedbe, itd. Nekateri izmed njih imajo pri odločanju večjo vlogo oziroma so za upravljalca ali lastnika takega objekta pomembnejši od drugih, zato je smiselno, da se z njimi primerja dane variantne rešitve. V diplomski nalogi smo s pomočjo različnih kriterijev med seboj primerjali dve možni variantni rešitvi pri obnovi objekta Dom svete Katarine v Mengšu. Inštitut ZRMK je ob detajlnem pregledu obravnavanega objekta izdelal poročilo, v katerem so izpostavili predvsem njegovo potresno ogroženost, zato so predlagali nekatere tehnološke smernice za njegovo ojačitev. V poročilu so poleg ukrepov za izboljšanje potresne varnosti predvideli tudi druge ukrepe, naprimer: zamenjava tlakov, izvedba drenaže, itd. Kot prvo variantno rešitev smo obravnavali celovito sanacijo obravnavanega objekta. Na podlagi poročila, ki ga je izdelal inštitut ZRMK, smo izdelali popis del, s katerim smo ocenili stroške izvedbe celovite sanacije. Kot drugo variantno rešitev smo obravnavali nadomestno gradnjo, za katero smo stroške izvedbe določili s pomočjo priročnika za vrednotenje gradbenih objektov. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela smo na podlagi različnih kriterijev izvedli medsebojno primerjavo obeh variantnih rešitev. Poleg stroškov izvedbe, smo kot primerjalna kriterija uporabili še energetsko učinkovitost in funkcionalnost. Na koncu smo na podlagi rezultatov večkriterijske primerjave določili, katera izmed dveh variantnih rešitev je za naš obravnavani objekt bolj smotrna.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, celovita sanacija, nadomestna gradnja, dokumentacija, stroškovna analiza, večkriterijska primerjava, zidane stavbe, popis del, potresna odpornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Tratar]
Number of pages:XI, 37 str., 6 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72739 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7259745 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Multi-criteria comparison of alternative solutions in building renovation
When a building is in need of renovation, a question often arises whether it is more meaningful to perform a full renovation or to construct a new building. Certainly there are several factors that can influence our decision, such as: level of dilapidation of objects, costs, execution time etc. Some of them have a more important role than others, so it is reasonable to compare them and seek the optimal alternative solution. In the graduation thesis we have compared two alternative solutions for the renovation of the building Dom svete Katarine in Mengeš. After a detailed examination ZRMK (Building and Civil Engineering Institute) has published a report, in which they have highlighted that the building is prone to earthquake hazard, so they have suggested some technological guidelines for its reinforcement. Besides measures to ensure earthquake safety, they have foreseen some other measures as well, for example: substitution of floors, drainage implementation etc. As a first alternative solution we have considered a total building repair. Based on the report issued by ZRMK we have conducted an inventory of works, with which we have evaluated the costs of a total building repair. As a second alternative solution we have considered a replacement construction and we have predicted the costs of realization with the help of the catalogue for the evaluation of construction works. Later we have conducted a comparison of both alternative solutions based on several criteria. We have used additional criteria for the comparison, such as: energy efficiency and functionality. Finally we have determined, based on the multi-criteria comparison, which of the two alternative solutions is more reasonable for our building.

Keywords:civil engineering, graduation thesis, total building repair, replacement construction, cost analysis, multi-criteria comparison, masonry, inventory of works, earthquake resistance

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