
Razvoj sistema za električno preskušanje statorjev brezkrtačnega elektromotorja
ID ERŽEN, GREGA (Author), ID Bojkovski, Jovan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6500BD09817B34253879E0767C9EE936
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8b27f53a-7b95-4865-88cd-e790d7b40931

V pričujočem delu je predstavljen razvoj sistema za električno preskušanje statorjev brezkrtačnega elektromotorja. Sistem mora biti sposoben opraviti štiri tipične električne preskuse: preskus prebojne trdnosti, meritev upornosti posameznih faz navitij, pulzni test in meritev upornosti GND kontakta. Predstavljen je celoten potek razvoja, od osnovne zamisli, izbire primernih komponent, izdelave primerne programske opreme in sestavljanja samega sistema. Preučili in opisali smo preskusne postopke, s katerimi je mogoče preskušati statorje pred vgradnjo v elektromotor. Predstavljeni so ključni varnostni elementi in shema varnostnega delovanja, ki zagotavlja varno delovanje naprave. Ključen del razvoja naprave je bil smiselno zasnovan program, ki je skrbel tako za nastavljanje in proženje preskusov, kot tudi za celotno avtomatiko sistema. Program je bil v ta namen razdeljen v dva ločena dela, glavni program in krmilni del. Za zanesljivo delovanje je bilo potrebno implementirati robustno komunikacijo med obema deloma. Vsi sestavni deli sistema so preko omrežnega stikala povezani v lokalno omrežje, kar omogoča nemoteno medsebojno komunikacijo. Delovanje instrumenta in celotnega avtomatskega sistema je bilo preskušeno na večji seriji vzorcev. Končni rezultat dela je delujoč sistem za električno preskušanje statorjev, ki deluje v proizvodnem procesu vzorčnih serij.

Keywords:stator, brezkrtačni elektromotor, merjenje upornosti, preskus prebojne trdnosti, upornost navitij, pulzni preskus, 2D koda, komunikacijske omrežne spremenljivke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72733 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Development of the system for the electric testing of the brushless electric motor stator
This thesis presents the development of a system for electric testing of brushless direct current motors stators. The system must be capable of performing 4 typical electric tests: high voltage withstand test, measurement of wound resistance, surge test and measurement of GND contact resistance. The entire course of development, from basic design, selection of appropriate components, development of the program and final assembly is presented. Potential electric tests were studied and described. The main safety elements and safety circuit is presented. Key part of the development was to sensible design the software, which was used not only to change test settings and test control, but also for all automatics of the device. Software was divided in two separate parts, main program and control part. For reliable functionality of the system, the robust communication between the program parts had to be implemented. All system components are through the network switch connected to the same local network, enabling seamless communication. Functioning of the instrument and the entire system has been tested with a series of test samples. The final result is working testing device, which is used in smaller production process.

Keywords:stator, brushless electromotor, resistance measurement, high voltage withstand test, wound resistance, surge test, 2D code, communication network variables

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