
Risba v prostoru : diplomsko delo
ID Matjašič, Eva (Author), ID Brumen-Čop, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskala postmodernizem, koncepcije novega – inovacije v umetnosti ter vsebinske premike, ki se na področju umetnosti dogajajo od druge polovice 20. Stoletja naprej. Raziskala sem vlogo muzeja pri arhiviranju umetnosti, določanju profanega prostora in kulturnih arhivov, obiskovalcih muzeja in njihovi participaciji v njem. Proučila sem začetke instalacije v Sovjetski zvezi, politične razmere, ki so na njen nastanek vplivale ter njene nadaljnje pojavne oblike glede na spremembe na področju umetnosti, z ozirom na spremembe v ekonomski sferi ter vseobsegajočo globalizacijo. V likovno-projektnem delu sem v ateljeju v Tovarni Rog postavila instalacijo. Ta je sestavljena iz žice, blaga in svetilk; postavljena je v temo. Instalacijo sem koncipirala kot zasebni muzej, prostor teme, v katerega ima vstop le omejeno število ljudi. Kompozicijo in mreženje instalacije sem orisala kot medsebojno prepletanje linij, zakrivanja in odkrivanja, dikcijo senc in gledalca, ki z lastno senco posega v instalacijo, in ta vanj. V pedagoškem delu predstavljam združitev konceptualnih izhodišč s kritiko potrošniške kulture, realizirano v obliki instalacije, v želji, da bi pri dijakih prvega letnika srednje šole spodbudila razmišljanje o sodobni umetnosti ter razvila kritični odnos do potrošniške družbe.

Keywords:risba v prostoru, postmodernizem, instalacija, muzej
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[E. Matjašič]
Number of pages:36 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72705 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10720073 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Drawing in space
In my diploma work I researched postmodernism, conceptons of the new as inovation in art and contens shifts, which have been in place since the second half of the 20th Century. I researched the role of the museum when it comes to the archiving of art, defining the profane and cultural archives and the visitors of the museum and their participation in it. I studied the beginnings of installation art in the Soviet Union, the political conditions that influenced it's beginnings and further manifestations, influenced by changes in the art field in consideration of economical changes and globalisation. In my art project I made an installation in my studio at Tovarna Rog. The installation consists of wire, fabric and flashlights; it is placed in darkness. I concepted the installation as a private museum, a space of darkness into which only a few people can enter. I outlined the composition and it's webbing as a mutual intertwinement of lines, of covering and uncovering, the diction of shadows and the spectator, who interferes with his own shadow into the installation and vice versa. In my pedagogical work I present a unification of a conceptual starting point with critisism of consumerism, realized in an installation in the hopes of encouraging students of the first class of highs school, to think about contemporary art and develop a critical attitude towards consummerism.


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