
Sporočilo mladostniške risbe : diplomsko delo
ID Gantar, Barbara (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ob likovnem ustvarjanju skupaj z otroki sem se velikokrat spraševala, na kakšni stopnji likovnega razvoja so, kaj mi sporočajo njihove risbe, njihove čačke itd. Ne samo simbolno, želela sem vedeti globlji pomen teh risb. Zanimalo me je, kaj otroci razmišljajo, kaj čutijo, ko vlečejo konico svinčnika po papirju, kaj se dogaja v njihovih glavah in duši. Vedela sem, da te risbe lahko sporočajo nekaj več kot le simbolično prepoznavanje elementov, zato sem se v tej diplomski nalogi odločila to področje raziskati. Ker pa sem od risanja in razvoja malčkov že veliko slišala in prebrala že med samim študijem, sem se odločila za malo bolj kompleksnejše obdobje, to je obdobje mladostništva oziroma pubertete. Mladostniki so razpeti med obdobjem otroštva in odraslosti, vstopijo v obdobje pubertete in polnega razcveta, pojavijo se neštete telesne spremembe in prav zaradi tega se njihova mnenja o samemu sebi najbolj spreminjajo. V diplomski nalogi se bom najprej osredotočila na obdobje mladostništva in na značilnosti tega obdobja. Zanimalo me bodo predvsem tisti najznačilnejši problemi mladostništva, ki na splošno mučijo pubertetnike. Iz njihovih avtoportretov bom na podlagi svojega mnenja in znanja ter prebrane literature poizkušala razbrati avtorjevo takratno počutje, iz načina risanja in pomenov ostalih elementov pa tudi druge lastnosti, ki bi se lahko tikale njega samega. S tem interpretiranjem risb ne bom dobila dokončnih rezultatov in mnenj o avtorjevem osebnem stanju in njegovih hotenjih, za to bi bilo potrebno še mnogo izkušenj in znanja.

Keywords:risba, mladostniška risba, mladostništvo, avtoportret, analiza risb
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[B. Gantar]
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72651 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10704201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The meaning of youth drawing
During artistical activities with children, I often wondered about their level of development, whether they know enough or could know more, what their drawings and doodles mean, etc. I wanted to learn not only about the symbolical, but also about the deeper meaning of their drawings – what children think, what they feel while they are moving the pen over the paper, what goes on in their minds and souls? I was aware that the drawings represent more than just symbols for everyday elements, so I decided to do more research in this area and present it in this diploma. After hearing and learning about children's drawing and development during my years in college, I focused on a more complex period – adolescence or puberty. Adolescents are torn between childhood and adulthood when they enter puberty and their full bloom, they encounter numerous bodily changes and their opinion of themselves starts to alter. In this diploma I will first focus on adolescence and the characteristics of this period. Primarily, I will be interested in the most typical issues of adolescents. Then I will try to analyze the author's current state of mind, as well as their other features based use their self-portraits and other graphical elements. Interpretation of the drawings will not represent the final result and opinion on the author's state of mind and his or her aspirations because it would take many more years of experience and expertise to be able to do that.


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