
Ples kot interesna dejavnost na razredni stopnji v osnovni šoli : diplomsko delo
ID Zver, Nina (Author), ID Schmidt, Gordana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/3039 This link opens in a new window

Diplomska naloga z naslovom Ples kot interesna dejavnost na razredni stopnji v osnovnih šolah je teoretično-empirično delo. Sama diplomska naloga je bila zame velik izziv, saj sem v šolskem letu 2011/2012 prevzela vodstvo plesnega izražanja na Osnovni šoli Turnišče kot zunanji sodelavec. Z veseljem sem se lotila vodstva v spremstvu učiteljice razrednega pouka, gospe Silve Lutar, in se nato odločila, da bo moje zaključno delo na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani povezano s plesom. Cilj moje diplomske naloge je prikazati ples kot interesno dejavnost na razredni stopnji v osnovnih šolah skozi teoretično opredelitev in izvajanje te dejavnosti v praksi na Osnovni šoli Turnišče. V diplomski nalogi me je zanimalo: ali je zanimanje pri učenkah za plesno dejavnost večje kot pri učencih iste starostne kategorije; zanimal me je odziv na posamezen ples učencev tretjega in učencev prvega in drugega razreda, saj menim, da obstajajo razlike; zanimalo me je, ali medsebojni odnosi vplivajo na samo izvajanje interesne dejavnosti, saj menim, da je odgovor trdilen. V teoretičnem delu sem dala najprej poudarek pojmu, ki je pri plesu zelo pomemben, to je gibanje. Ta pojem sem razložila in opisala ter navedla, kakšne so otrokove potrebe po gibanju in plesu. Prav tako sem omenila plesno gibanje in tehniko v plesu in šele nato prešla na bistvo svoje diplomske naloge. Iz različnih literatur sem povzela in navedla, kar piše o pojmu ples, npr.: kakšni so tuji izrazi za ples, kaj sploh je ples (zapisala sem nekaj definicij različnih avtorjev), predstavila kratek pregled plesa skozi zgodovino, kako razumemo ples, kako ples vpliva na razvoj mladih, kakšen naj bi bil ustvarjalen in dober učitelj plesa, kakšna je vloga učitelja v plesno-ustvarjalnem procesu. Dotaknila sem se tudi plesne gibalne dejavnosti, razložila, kako ples vpliva na razvoj mladih, kakšna je vloga učitelja v ustvarjalnem procesu. Nadaljevala sem s pojmom ustvarjalnost in razložila, na kakšne načine vplivamo na otrokovo ustvarjalnost in kako jo spodbujamo. Pojasnila sem metodo ustvarjalnega giba in njen vpliv na učitelja in njegovo delo. Predstavila sem, kakšna je učiteljeva vloga pri ustvarjalnem gibu in kako pomembna je njegova interpretacija. Podrobneje sem razložila plesno vzgojo, njene cilje in oblike plesne vzgoje. Na koncu tega dela sem se lotila interesnih dejavnosti, njihovih načel in ciljev. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila nekaj gibalnih iger iz Plesne žgečkalnice (Kovač Valdes, 2010), ki smo se jih lotili na interesni dejavnosti plesno izražanje ter podrobneje opisala potek priprav in izvedb vseh štirih nastopov. Na koncu sem tri raziskovalne hipoteze, ki sem si jih zadala pred pisanjem diplomskega dela, potrdila, torej; zanimanje učenk za plesno dejavnost je večje kot pri učencih iste kategorije, da učenci 3. razreda imajo drugačen pogled na otroške plese kot učenci 1. in 2. razreda, in da medsebojni odnosi v skupini vplivajo na samo izvajanje interesne dejavnosti.

Keywords:gibanje, gibalne igre, zgodovina plesa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Zver]
Number of pages:94 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72624 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10699337 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Dance as physical activity in the first five years of primary school
The degree paper titled » Dance as an extracurricular activity within the lower years of Primary school« is a theoretical and empirical work. The paper itself was a big challenge for me since I took over rhythmic lessons on Primary school Turnišče in the school year 2011/2012 as external teacher. I was happy to lead the lessons accompanied by the class teacher Mrs Silva Lutar and then decided to connect my final work at the Faculty of Education Ljubljana with dancing. The aim of my degree paper is to show dancing as extracurricular activity for pupils in grades 1 to 4 in primary school through theory and performing the activity in practice at Primary School Turnišče. (Osnovna šola Turnišče) In my degree paper I will be interested in whether the interest with girls for dancing activity is bigger than with boys of the same age and the response to the individual dance of the 3rd year pupils and pupils in 1st and 2nd year since, in my opinion, there are differences. I will be interested in if mutual relations affect on the performing the activity itself, although I think the answer is positive. In the theoretical part of my work I gave the emphasis on the concept of movement, which is very important with dancing. I described and explained the concept, and wrote about the child’s needs for moving around and dancing. I also mentioned dance movement and technique and later I got to the essence of my degree paper. I used different literature that helped me to summarise and write about the concept of dancing, for example what are foreign dance expressions like, what dancing really is (I quoted different authors here), the overview of dance through history, how do we understand dancing and what influence does dancing have on the youth, what should be a good and creative dancing teacher like, and what is the role of the teacher in dance-creative process. I also mentioned dancing movement activities. I continued with the concept of creativity and explained how we can in different ways influence on and encourage child’s creativity. I explain the method of creative movement and its influence on teachers and their work. I introduced teacher’s role in creative movement and how important is his or her interpretation. I explained in detail the education of dancing, its aims and forms. At the end of this part I also wrote about the principles, aims and goals of those extracurricular activities. In the empirical part, I presented a few motor games from dancing activities” Plesne žgečkalnice (Kovač Valdes, 2010), that I used in rhythmic lessons and described in detail the process of preparation of all four performances At the end I confirmed all three researching hypotheses that I started with at the beginning of my degree paper, and came to conclusion that girls have a bigger interest for dancing activities than boys and that the 3rd year pupils have a different view on children’s songs than the pupils from 1sr and 2nd year of school. What’s more, pupils’ mutual relations influence on the very performance of extracurricular activities.


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